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F/n was seen showing Iri around the Schnee Manor.

F/n:Well, Iri...this is your new home. The Manor of the Schnee Family. This place technically belongs to me since I'm head of the SDC, but I'm living here with my mother and younger sister.

Iri:Oh, this place is pretty.

F/n:Right. Grandpa Nick was extremely rich back then to gain a place like this. I'll show you around and then you can see your room.

With that, F/n showed Iri all around the manor before she got to see her room, which was colored white and purple and had numerous books and stuffed animals inside.

F/n:You like it?

Iri:*smiles* I love it.

F/n:*pets her cat ears* Good to know. Well, I've got business to attend to. So, you'll have to be watched over by Klein.

Iri:Who's that?

F/n:One of the nicest butlers you'll ever meet in your life. He sure was one of the best people in my life.


F/n was seen talking on his Scroll with somebody in his study.

F/n:Hm, somebody actually wants to work in the Dust quarries? Never thought somebody would want to be working in such an environment. Oh, well. Sure, tell them I'll talk to them tomorrow and I'll have an idea for the wage they'll get paid.

F/n then hung up.

F/n:Seems like there are people willing to mine for Dust. *shrugs* Well, people need to work for a living.

F/n then proceeded to start writing something. As he was indulged in his work...

???:Good day, F/n.

F/n looked up, only to see Winter. He just turned back to his work.

F/n:*sarcastically* Can I help you, Madam?

Winter:F/n, it's me. Your older sister.

F/n:*scoffs* If by "older sister" you mean "another obstacle in my way", then you're right about that.

Winter:F/n, I just want to talk to you.

F/n:And I just want to be left alone so I can work.

Winter:*sighs* Okay for starters, I just want to were right about taking over the family company. I must say, you've done a really good job in fixing it.

F/n:Hm, either you're saying that because you mean it or you're just saying that because you're jealous.

Winter:The point is...*closes eyes* I'm really sorry I ever doubted you in your life and I hope you can forgive me.

F/n:*rolls his eyes* What's with the change of heart? First, you abuse me? Then, you get mad at me for making you lose your little specialist title? Now, you're hoping for forgiveness? *sighs* Good luck with that.

Winter:Well, Mother told me about how you were able to forgive her. She recommended me to do the same if I want you to forgive me.

Winter then placed the hilt of a sword on F/n's desk.

F/n:A sword hilt? *sarcastically* Thanks so much.

Winter:Just stand up and turn the dial on the bottom of it.

F/n glared at her, but decided to follow her directions. Turning the dial on the sword, he watched in astonishment as the different types of Dust blades were formed straight out the hilt.

 Turning the dial on the sword, he watched in astonishment as the different types of Dust blades were formed straight out the hilt

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F/n:Hm, interesting. And did you make this yourself?

Winter:Well, I had some help. Like said before, this is my way of apologizing to you for my past actions on you. I'm not expecting you to just forgive me but if you do, then expect better interaction with me in the future.

After a moment of silence, F/n just hugged his older sister (who was just at his height) and she returned the gesture.

F/n:Thanks, sis. I guess I can forgive you, just as long as you don't do anything rash again in the future.

Winter:*bows* You have my promises.

F/n:*sighs* Well, that's you and Mother forgiven and you two are lucky as hell. If I actually didn't forgive you both, the two of you would've ended up like how Jackass and Waste Of Seed did, locked up like how they did to Faunus.

Winter:*smiles*'s good to hear that.

F/n:And you know what? Since I feel like you've earned it...

F/n took out his Scroll and stepped out for a moment. Afterwards, he stepped back in his study.

F/n:Well, sis. I've spoken to Ironwood and she wants to talk to you. I asked her if you can have your specialist position back in the military.

Winter smiled at her brother and hugged him again.

Winter:Thank you, F/n. To be honest, you really are a way better brother than Whitley is.

F/n:*shrugs* Well, I don't look down on Huntsmen or Faunus. And I actually love my sisters and don't use them just to gain something I want.

The two then heard clapping. The two turned and saw their mother, younger sister, butler, and young daughter/niece there.

F/n:Uh, how long have you two been standing there?

Weiss:Long enough to hear the whole thing.


Willow:I'm proud of you both for finally accepting each other as siblings.

F/n:Eh, at least I can accept my sisters and mother over my "father" and "brother".

The screen then blacked out.

Broken Glyph:RWBY Harem x Abused Male Schnee ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now