Meeting Jenny Again! A Small Start!

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F/n was seen looking through some more files before he set his eyes onto one that made him frown minutes later.

F/n:Wow! Just wow! Jackass shut down many businesses and companies just to make the SDC number 1. He even shut down a small Dust shop in Atlas belonging to a man and his daughter Fiona Coal. I mean, we would need a quick place to get some Dust. What the hell is wrong with you? What the hell is wrong with all of you? *thinks* Hmm, I guess that'll be another thing I can fix.


Ozina(intercom):Mr. L/n? Would you mind coming down to my office? Someone wants to see you.

F/n:*sighs* I guess I'll...*puts files in folder* Keep these on me just in case.

With that, F/n left to go to Ozina's office.


F/n arrived in the office and he was met with Ozina, Goodwitch, and...

F/n:Ms. Ironwood!?

Jenny:F/n, there you are.

F/n immediately went over to the woman and hugged her.

F/n:Long time, no see Ma'am.

Jenny:Agreed. What have you been up to? You have really grown.


F/n explained what he has done in the past after he left the Schnee Manor and how he's a full-fledged Huntsman and an assistant combat teacher, surprising the woman.

F/n:Which is all good considering how much those semen-haired ass welts tried to bring me down.

Jenny:Well, I'm proud of you F/n. They had no right to just abuse a sweet child like you.

F/n:Well, I'm fine now but...I feel more powerful now.

Jenny:*raises an eyebrow* Do you mind if I ask why?

F/n:*smiles a bit* Well, I know you despise Jackass Schnee for his greed, do you not?

Jenny:*gets confused* Who?

F/n:Jacques Schnee.

Jenny:Oh, well yes. I do.

F/n:I know you do. Anyway, I have a source and she's been assisting me in helping me find some good dirt on the SDC.

Jenny looked confused again, so F/n took out the folder he brought with him and passed it on to her. Jenny began to read the files and began to look shocked and disgusted with each detail, along with Ozina and Goodwitch, who she showed the files to.

Glynda:The man really is disgusting!

Jenny:I wish I had known this at first.

F/n:*smiles* Well, this will work out nicely.


F/n:Now that you TRULY see why the SDC is messed up now, now you know the reasoning why. It's because of Jackass Schnee and his family of jizzheads. Except for Weiss, though. She was the only one who was loving to me. *shakes head* Damn shame on the family, though.

Jenny:F/n, who is this source of yours? This stuff you have looks...very rare.

???:That would be me.

The four turned to see Quill Branwen enter the office. Jenny just rolled her eyes.

Jenny:Oh. Knowing you Quill, it was probably one of those "secret" missions of yours.

Quill:Well, not really. *points to F/n* It was this guy's idea.

All eyes were on F/n, so...

F/n:It's true. See, I met Quill a year ago on a mission and we had some drinks and good chat. After I told her about what I want to see happen to the SDC, she offered to help me out on this long-term mission. She finds the dirt and delivers it to me so I can have it for my plan.

It was silent before...

Quill:So, what is your plan now kid?

F/n:First of all, my name is not "Kid". It's F/n L/n. Second, Jenny now knows about what Jackass had done to the company. Faunus labor, shady business partners, etc. Certainlyz she wouldn't want her military caught up in any of that.

Jenny:And I don't! Which is why...*takes out Scroll* I have something highly important to do. I won't be associating with that company if he's the head of it.

Jenny then left the office so she could call somebody.

F/n:*chuckles* Perfect.

Quill:Whoa! *takes out flask* You Schnees really are evil. *drinks from flask*

F/n:*glares at her* I'm not a damn Schnee, Feather Head! Not anymore! So, shut up before I shove that flask down your throat.

Quill:Hehe. How scary.

F/n:*rolls eyes* Drunken moron.

Ozina:Mr. L/n, are you sure you want to go through with this?

F/n:You're making it sound like you're on Jackass' side and not disgusted with what him and the jizzheads had done to me as a child. *sighs* I gotta go. I got combat training with Weiss. *leaves*

Quill:You can't blame the kid. He did tell me that he wishes to fix whatever those Schnees had destroyed.

Ozina:I guess you're right, Quill.

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