Achievement Earned:Faunus & The Schnee!

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One Afternoon

F/n was seen sitting down and watching Iri play with her stuffed bunny.

F/n:Hey, Iri?

Iri:*looks at him* Yeah, Daddy?

F/n:Let me ask you something. How do you feel about the fact that a Schnee is raising you, who is a Faunus?

Iri:Um...I was a little scared at first, but...I guess I was wrong. I thought you know...

F/n:Abuse and discriminate against you?

F/n went over to her and hugged her.

F/n:I would never do that to you or any Faunus in general. Besides, just because my so-called "father" is racist towards Faunus doesn't immediately make ME a racist or a bad person for that matter. Believe me, I would never, EVER consider discrimination being an option. Okay?


Iri then hugged her adoptive father tightly, happy about the fact that even though he was a Schnee, he would never discriminate her or any other Faunus. Just when the two were hugging tightly, F/n gotten a call on his Scroll.


Willow:F/n...Miss Belladonna is coming to start the meeting you organized. I say you come here so we can get this done.

F/n:Sure thing, Mother. I'm on my way. *hangs up* Well, ready to witness the next part of a new reign.

Despite the confused look on her face, F/n picked her up and took her with him to the Schnee Manor.


F/n was later seen sitting at a table with his mother sitting beside him, his daughter sitting on his lap, and his older sister standing right next to them. Sitting across from him was Kira, who had Sienna and Eve standing beside her.

F/n:So...I take it Sienna told you about my idea for a truce between my company and the White Fang?

Kira:She has, Mr. L/n.

F/n:There's no need to call me Mr. L/n. F/n is just fine.

Kira:Okay then, F/n. First off, I would like to start off by saying that your company owes my species much more than an apology.

Sienna:She's right. A heartful apology is not going to be enough for the Faunus.

F/n:*nods* Believe me, I felt the same way. That being said, I would still like to applogize for whatever damage my "Dad" has caused on you all.

Before they can say anything else though...

F/n:However, I would be willing to do this one thing for the Faunus.

Kira:And that would be?

F/n:I would like to help Faunus achieve full rights everywhere in the world. No more Faunus being thrown out of resturants and no more discriminatory acts of assault or anything. Anything like that would lead to arrest.

The three Faunus were taken back by his offer yet proud about it.

Kira:And how do you plan to achieve that?

F/n:Think about this. You're talking to the new head of the SDC, somebody who has achieved a bunch of other things. Sending off the former head and his son off to be locked up and punished by your species for their actions, freeing the Faunus from slave labor in my Dust quarries, and a couple of other achievements. If you all and your White Fang organization work alongside me, I can guarantee that everything between Humans and Faunus would be the way it should've been from the start and none of you would have to worry about losing anymore Faunus from using crimes just because of MY species being pathetic and racist. What do you all say?

The three female Faunus were skeptical at first, considering how much work it was going to take to be able to spread that influence across the world. However, they already trusted F/n enough and he had already done a lot to help the Faunus, so they decided to take his word for it.

Kira:Alright, F/n. If you truly intend to do that just so that Faunus can live equal with Humans...then I suppose I'll be able to support you.

F/n:*sits up* Do you really?

Sienna:I agree with her. You've done a lot for my species, so this act should be the one that finally brings equality to us all.

F/n:*smiles* Good to know.

F/n then stood up and walked to them. Reaching his hand forward, he then shook the hands of all three of them.

F/n:I'm glad we were able to come to this conclusion.

F/n then went to sit back down.

Willow:Now that that's out the way, I do understand your species needs more than an apology. What would you like? Protection? Money?

It was silent before...

Sienna:Take the child out the room for this.

Confusion rose up, but F/n handed Iri over to Winter and she led the young cat Faunus out the room to wait.

F/n:So, what is it that you wanted?

F/n just watched as both Sienna and Eve walked over. Then, the color pink came to his face when Eve sat on his lap.


Eve:I would like a relationship with you.

Sienna:So would I.

F/n:*goes red* What? Don't you two hate Humans though?

Eve:Yes, I am hostile towards them. However, you're different from every other Human I've encountered before in my life. You're a special case in my book.

Seinna:She's right. I consider Humans to be a waste of my time, but you fall out of that category into another one.

F/n then went stiff when the two Faunus kissed him. However, he was able to snap out of it and then return the gesture towards them.

F/n:Alright then. If that's how you both feel...then I won't deny your feelings.

Both of them hugged him, making him smile.

On the other hand...Willow and Kira had their own thoughts.

Kira:*I know I'm married to Kali...but it's not wrong for me to hold feelings for him right?*

Willow:*Two women!? What else is my son able to do? making me happy again a possibility?*

The screen then went black.

Achievement Earned:

Faunus & The Schnee!

Broken Glyph:RWBY Harem x Abused Male Schnee ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now