Snowed In Part 2//KTH

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"Where's your car Tae? It's freezing out here." Even with the scarf, you were cold, and you began to worry that your darling Tae would get too cold without his scarf. You moved to unwrap it and give it to him.
   He anticipated your move and stopped your hand gently, adding a little head shake in your direction.

   "I took a cab here actually." He gave an apologetic look. "I could call one to come to get us."

   "No it's fine I'll just walk and we can call a cab for you from my house." So the two of you began walking.

   However, the snow was coming down with a vengeance by the time you had arrived home. A few quick calls to the cab companies shattered your original plans.
   For the time being the cabs had stopped because of the weather. The roads needed to be cleared before Taehyung could even try to get home.
   You started to stress out. Tae had never really been in your apartment when it was just the two of you. You'd been dating for two years, but somehow you'd avoided having him over to your apartment that often.
   However, he could sense your unease and he gave you a small smile. He squeezed your hand in reassurance.
  You unlocked your apartment and went in and Tae followed.

   "It's freezing in here (y/n)." Tae wrapped his arms around himself to get warm.
   He wasn't wrong. It was cold, you'd forgotten to turn the heat up.

   "I'm sorry TaeTae, I forgot to turn up my heat this morning." Quickly you went over and adjusted the thermostat.

   "It's fine, love." He smiled and stood awkwardly in the entryway.

   "Oh um you can go sit on the couch and like watch television or something." He nodded and followed you to the living room. He sat on the couch awkwardly. Why were things so awkward? Things were never this awkward between the two of you.

   "I'm gonna go change real quick and then I can make us some noodles or something." He nodded again and pulled out his phone.

   "I'm gonna let Namjoon hyung know where I am, okay." As he dialed, you walked through your kitchen and into your bedroom, taking care to close the door, something foreign to you. 
   Once you were in comfortable sweats and a warm hoodie, one of Tae's consequently, you went to the kitchen. You began to look through your pantry for something to cook. Tae could see you from the living room and joined you.

   "What are we gonna make." The "we" in his question didn't escape you. Of course he planned on helping you. You smiled at his sweetness.

   "Uh, instant noodles are good right." You raised your eyebrows questioningly. He smiled cutely in reply.

  "Yeah, but I have a better idea." He went to your fridge and started pulling out ingredients for a home-cooked meal. "I'll cook. You sit and relax." He gave you a cheeky smile and a little wink. You sat down at your small kitchen table as Tae tied on one of your flowery aprons.
   You couldn't resist. You subtly snapped a photo of him, but he noticed.

   "Hey." His tone feigned indignation, but his playful smile revealed his true feelings. You gave a wide smile in return.

   "Housewife material." You smiled cheekily at him and he laughed loudly.

   As Tae cooked, you scrolled through your social media. Once you'd grown tired of it you began to look out the window, just watching the snowfall.
   "I love the snow. It's so pretty."

   "We could go outside and play in it." Tae glanced at you with a mischievous smile.

   "Correction I love the snow from a distance." You both laughed loudly.
   Once your peals of laughter had faded out he looked at you seriously.

   "I love your laugh. It's so beautiful." His eyes carried an intensity and tenderness that caused you to look away.

   "Why, it's so ugly?" You gave a nervous giggle and Tae's brow creased in response. 

   "No it's not." He caught your gaze and looked directly into your eyes. "It's the most beautiful noise I've ever heard."

With that, he turned back to the stove and finished preparing the meal

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With that, he turned back to the stove and finished preparing the meal. Leaving you quietly to your thoughts.

   Tae took time to plate the food nicely before he set it down in front of you.
   "I feel like I'm in a five-star restaurant."

   "Well, only the best for my love." Both of you blushed and turned your attention to the food. Which wasn't hard because it was delicious.
   Once you were both done eating you cleaned the kitchen together.
   And in true Taehyung and (y/n) fashion, you had to play around and make a mess.
   By the time you were finished, dishwater had been flung around everywhere and both of you kept erupting into fits of laughter.
   Eventually, the two of you ended up on your couch, watching your favorite films and watching the snowfall.
   Your apartment was still a bit chilly, so you bundled beneath blankets. But the most warmth came from Taehyung's arms wrapped around you.

   And that was how the two of you stayed until the snow stopped and the roads were cleared, snuggled up and drowsily watching your favorite films

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   And that was how the two of you stayed until the snow stopped and the roads were cleared, snuggled up and drowsily watching your favorite films.

A/N: Please eat well and take care of yourselves 💜

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