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Life with Hoseok requires a lot of energy. He leads an active lifestyle and in order for you to spend time with him, you've got to find ways to keep up. Sometimes that means going to the practice rooms late at night and joining in his routine practices after you've had a long day. Sometimes it means staying up much too late in order to video chat him while he's across the globe. The two of you have a lot of insecurities, but neither of you can understand why the other has them. This often frustrates the both of you. He can't always make time for you and your social life and while you try to be patient, it can be taxing. It's not a cakewalk, and it never will be.

   But it is sweet. There are moments when he randomly wraps his arms around you in the kitchen so the two of you can dance to the music you turned on while washing dishes. He smiles at you in the mornings before kissing you in the nose and nestling his nose into the crook of your neck. He makes you laugh harder than anyone else, and he swears up and down that no one can make him smile as brightly as you do. He always tries to make time to talk about the books the both of you have been reading and he loves to take you to watch old movies at the theater. Your home is bright and filled with laughter and photographs of all the adventures you've braved for one another.

The greatest adventure for both of you is loving one another through each smaller journey.

Neither of you would trade it for all of the precious gems and metals in the world.

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