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    Life with Tae could be so incredibly odd and irregular. He can't always control what hours he comes home or when he can take vacation time to whisk you away. Sometimes having a date night means waking up at dawn for an early breakfast before he's whisked away for another 14 hour day. You don't always get his humor, and the bit he of you tend to bottle up your emotions. The pressures you both face in your lives compresses you to the point of combustion and you often end blowing up at one another, projecting your frustration on the one you love the most. Emotions can run high and many times, you both end up in tears of frustration.

    However, you wouldn't trade any other person to share life with. He helps you reach for the stars, and you help him stay grounded. He's honest and kind and he makes you the best person you can be. He never stops snapping photographs of you and he tends to sing wherever you are. He uses his rich tone to add drama to any event and he never ceases to make you smile. You sleep in one another's arms and your home is filled with things from the places you both love, France, Japan, Australia, and so many other adventures. Whispers and promises of plans that you know will come to fruition fill the mornings of mellow light and breezy curtains. You know him better than anyone, and he's memorized every piece of you.

    Each adventure you go on, separate or together, you'll carry one another in your hearts.

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