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You stretched your arms and legs as you finished your last college assignment for the day. Closing your laptop, you stood up and walked to the kitchen. You checked for signs of Namjoon being home.

    Sure enough, coffee had been freshly brewed and his shoes sat near the door. He'd come in without you hearing and you assumed correctly that he was in his home studio working, even though he'd already been working for nine hours.

   You sighed, trying to resist the urge to go and see him, knowing that he wouldn't want to be bothered while he worked. You began to cook dinner, trying hard to finish it quickly to feed the hungry person you knew to be upstairs. It was one of Namjoon's favorite dishes, and he never failed to eat large portions of it.
   You kept this in mind as you put a generous helping on a plate for him. Grabbing a glass of water, you began walking up the stairs to his studio. You knocked on the door, having found that it was closed.
    You should have found this to be the first sign of trouble, as Namjoon rarely closed the door. He'd always told you that he preferred you to be in there with him so that he wouldn't get lonely. However, you didn't think much of it at the moment.

     A terse "Come in," answered your knocking and you tentatively opened the door

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    A terse "Come in," answered your knocking and you tentatively opened the door. Of course, this was difficult to do as you balanced his plate of food and glass.

    You tried not to feel hurt when he only gave you a passing glance before he turned back to his work.

    "I made your favorite Joonie." He muttered a quick thank you as you sat the plate and glass down on his desk, putting it as far as possible from his computer. "Eat well my love." Your enthusiasm was quickly deflating. He didn't answer and you walked out of the room.

   "Hey (y/n)." You smiled a little when he called you back.

   "Yes, Namjoon?"

    "Shut the door on your way out please." He turned back to his computer and put on a pair of headphones. You bit your lip as you shut the door and walked back downstairs.

   You'd wanted to eat dinner with Namjoon tonight. You'd made his favorite just so he'd smile at you and eat well. The whole afternoon you'd worked on your school assignments tirelessly in order to have your evening free for him.
    And he came home and shut himself away, not even bothering to speak to you.

    You pushed the lump in your throat and the tears in your eyes away as you ate dinner. You put the leftovers of dinner away, making sure to set some aside for Namjoon's lunch the next day.

   Then with another sigh and a sad glance up the stairway, you began to clean up the kitchen.

    Then you did some laundry.

    And tidied your bedroom.

    Namjoon remained in his studio the whole time.

    It was getting late and you were worried about him working for too long and too late into the night.

   You decided to go and try to get him to come to bed.

    You knocked tentatively on the door once again. This time no answer came due to the headphones that were still covering his ears. He hadn't even heard you. After a few moments of silence, you opened the door. He must have had the volume up high as he still didn't register that you'd entered the room. You crossed the room and placed your hand on his shoulder gently.
   Namjoon sighed. And removed his headphones.

    "What is it (y/n)?" His voice was irritated and rang with impatience.

   "It's just that's it's really late my love and I think you should go to bed." You paused for a moment, your hand still on his shoulder. "The quality of your work will decrease the longer you're at it."

  "(Y/n) I have to get his done. I need you to leave me alone."  You slipped your hand off of his shoulder. "His face was drawn into lines of stress and impatience. You averted your gaze from him as you reached for some argument to use.
   Your eyes flicked to the still full glass of water and plate of food Namjoon had moved to the side table. He hadn't eaten a bit of it.
   This seemed to agitate you more than anything, and you no longer had to search for something to reply.

    "You could have at least taken a few bites. I spent my evening cooking it for you." You gestured to the still full plate. "And I spent my free afternoon finishing all of my assignments so that I could spend this evening with you." The volume of your voice had risen significantly. "You're so inconsiderate sometimes."

   Your words struck a nerve for Namjoon.

   "Don't give me a guilt trip (y/n). I came home after all because you've told me you hate being alone in the evenings. You just don't seem to understand that I have to get this done. My job isn't as easy as yours," his tone and volume had matched yours and was even becoming more intense.

   "What is that supposed to mean Namjoon?" Indignation filled your voice.

   "I mean that I have a job with deadlines, you don't. You go to school and work a part-time job at a coffee shop." It was all you could do to keep yourself from cutting him off.

   "What the heck Namjoon? Yes, I am a full-time student- with multiple deadlines. I also work a part-time job. And I try to take care of this house and you, you jerk." An unsteady shake had entered your voice as your emotions heightened.

   "Just leave me alone okay!"

  "Why are you acting like this? You're being a child!" Namjoon had stood up as you continued to argue.

   "I'm the child? You're the one who can't stand to have the attention off of you for one moment. I can't even get my work done because you don't want to be lonely." Tears filled your eyes and your throat burned.

   "Why are you being so mean?" Your voice quivered. Namjoon shook his head in disbelief.

    "You know what (y/n)," but he didn't finish. Both of you were making wide gestures with your arms as you argued back and forth. As he spoke, his arms were moving, but they were too long to go without hitting something. You flinched as his hand connected to the side table where the plate and glass sat. Both went crashing down into the hardwood floor, creating a mess. Namjoon swore loudly and you quickly left the room. You didn't hold your tears back anymore as you locked yourself into your bathroom.

    You made the quick decision to shower, hoping it would help you calm down. It did, in a way.

   When you stepped out of the shower you wet no longer angry, but you were sad. You hated when you and Namjoon argued, and you hated him being so stressed out even more. You'd only wanted to help him and he'd gotten so mad at you in return.
    You wrapped yourself in a towel and went to get a pair of soft, snuggly pajamas.

   Namjoon was sitting on your bed. He'd been crying, you could tell by his red-rimmed eyes. You bit your lip as you tried to avoid his gaze.

   "(Y/n), I'm sorry I- I didn't mean what I said earlier." A crack ran through his voice, revealing his sincerity. "I shouldn't have yelled at you baby." He passed his palm over his face, his shoulders tense. "I've just been so busy lately and I-"

  "I forgive you Namjoon. It's fine, you've been working so hard, and I know you're stressed out." He stood up and shook his head.

   "It's no excuse."

  "But it is a factor, and I understand being stressed. But I can't just watch you stress. I only wanted to help." He touched your cheek with his hand and looked into your eyes.

   "Okay." You nodded at his concession.

  "Now, please go save your work while I get dressed. Then we will get ready for bed."

  "Or we could-"

    "Nice try mister but, no

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   "Nice try mister but, no." He smiled playfully as you pushed him in the direction of the door.

    A few minutes later you were dressed in warm pajama pants and one of Namjoon's shirts.
    As Namjoon showered, per your orders, you made some tea. Once he'd returned the two of you sat and sipped the hot tea, and you talked about your days.

   You told him a few jokes you'd learned that morning at the coffee shop and he laughed loudly at them.

    Once both your cups were drained, you pulled him to the bathroom to finish getting ready for bed.

   After you'd brushed your teeth, you both got under the covers.
   For a few minutes, the only sound was the quiet turning of the pages as you both read. Once you'd finished your chapter you turned out your light and turned on your side.
   You looked at Namjoon as he turned the last page and closed his book.

   "What princess?" He brushed a piece of your hair from your face as you smiled slightly.

   "Nothing, I was just admiring my catch."

  "Oh, you were?" You nodded sleepily. "And am I a keeper?"

  "Oh, most definitely."

   Namjoon smiled shyly and wrapped his arms around you. You snuggled close to him and whined when he moved away for a second to turn out his light.

   The two of you settled back into your snuggly positions and began to grow drowsy. Before you drifted off, however, Namjoon kissed you.

   "Goodnight, my love, sleep well."

A/N: uwu
The guys are going to the Grammy Awards and Dolly Parton is sitting in front of them and I am so happy

I love this picture of him

Please eat well and take care of yourselves!

(Edited July 2019)



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