"An Abundance of Stars"//JHS

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Three hours and twenty minutes.

    That was the allotted time before Hoseok would be there to pick you up for your date. You were waiting rather impatiently. It wasn't that you didn't have plenty to do, you did. Not only did you need to get yourself ready and presentable, you had multiple assignments you could be working on, and also a sink-full of dirty dishes.

    You sighed, deciding that pacing around your living room and staring at the clock was not a good use of your time.

    First, you cleaned all of the dishes, allowing them to dry on the dish rack.

    Just over three hours.

    You decided to work on one of your midterm papers. Then you completed your assignment for your college math class. With two hours left, you set your work ahead to get ready. You doubted that it would take two hours for you to get ready, but "better safe than sorry" played like a mantra in your mind.

    You did your makeup simply, with browns and some earthy oranges- to match the changing leaves and your dress of course. You had bought this dress just for the occasion. Sunflowers covered the white fabric. You slipped an oversized tan cardigan over the spaghetti straps so you'd stay warm. The two of you were eating dinner at an outdoor café, and you knew you would be whining that you were cold by the end of the night.

   You swept your hair up into a messy bun. Looking in the mirror, you smiled. Pleased with your appearance, you turned away.

     Only a little over half an hour remained before Hoseok would be here.

     You were glad you'd gotten ready so early.

     Still fidgety, you decided to continue work on your assignments. You knew that you were so excited about this date because it was the first one you'd had in a while. Hoseok had been so busy with work, and you with schoolwork that it had been hard to plan an actual outing with one another. You missed having the endless amounts of time the two of you had together during his breaks. However, you tried not to think about that as you edited one of your English papers and waited for Hobi to come, giving frequent glances at the time of course.

    Half-past five came and went with no sign of Hoseok. You began to worry as the minutes passed. Finally, you messaged him and asked if everything was okay. He answered back that he was still at dance rehearsal. You sighed, sending an "Okay" that would stay unread for quite some time.

    Time continued to pass. You continued to work on and even complete your assignments. You put away your now dry dishes. Hunger won out over your last hopes of dinner from the café, and you ate some leftovers.

    Then eight o'clock came. "He's not coming," you said aloud to your empty apartment. You then recalled times that others had broken their promises, saying they'd come and then bailing out. Your throat began to constrict and grow sore. Your eyes began to sting from the combination of tears and mascara. "It's fine," again you spoke aloud, this time trying to pacify yourself. The tears, however, still gathered in your eyes until they could no longer be held back.

    You cried until your tears were gone.

    Hopeless, you went to wipe off your meticulously done makeup that was now smeared and ruined. Then you made yourself a hot cup of tea to calm your nerves. As you sipped it, you began to contemplate changing into pajamas. Then you heard your keypad beep, indicating that someone- a certain someone you'd given your passkey to ages ago- was walking in. You stood at the kitchen counter clutching your tea frozen in mixed emotions.

    Hoseok walked in with an apologetic look, holding a bouquet of pink roses wrapped in newspaper.

   You stiffened as he walked quickly towards you. He spoke in a rush.

    "I'm so sorry cutie I didn't mean to forget and be late. We were just working so hard and before I knew it, it was past six." You didn't stick around for his apology, retreating instead to your bedroom. "(Y/n) wait." You didn't wait.

     Hobi sat the flowers on the table and walked quickly behind you. His longer legs easily matched your pace, and he wrapped his arms around your waist. He pressed you to him in a hug that you didn't fight. "I'm sorry, baby," his voice was thick with emotion and you could tell that he too, was trying to hold back tears.

    "You promised Hoseok." Your voice was quiet and low.

    "I know and I'm sorry." He gently spun you around so that he could hug you full-on. "Please forgive me."

    "I do," your voice was still quiet as you nestled your face against his sweatshirt. He kissed your forehead and then moved his hands to hold yours.

    "Can I- will you still let me take you out tonight?"

   You nodded your head, curious about what he had planned for the two of you instead.

    He took you to the city park, to a place secluded by a circle of large trees. He let go of your hand and laid a blanket out on the grass. The breeze played with the hem of your dress and you hugged your cardigan around you. Hoseok smiled at you in the moonlight.

    "Stargazing." He stated this as he pulled your hand to get you to sit on the blanket.

   You laid your head on his chest as the two of you watched you the night sky. Hobi fiddled with your hair as you tried to talk to him about the sky.

    "You can see so many of them tonight my love." You pointed upwards. "Look at all the constellations."

     "Mhmm," you could feel his eyes were on you and not the sky. "There's an abundance of stars."

    "Hobi, stop looking at me. I look a mess."

    "No you don't. You look more beautiful than anyone else."  You shushed him, but he shushed you in return. "Every time I see you, you take my breath away." You blushed.

    On a sudden whim, Hoseok pulled you up gently from the blanket. You whined slightly, but he just smiled at you. Pulling his phone out, he soon had a song playing. The song that the two of you had chosen as your song. You shook your head as you smiled widely at you. He smiled and raised his eyebrows at you. He extended his hand towards you.

    "Can I have this dance, my love?" You giggled and nodded your head in the affirmative. Taking your hand in his, he pulled you close to him. You rested your head on his shoulder and let yourself treasure the moment. The two of you began to slow dance to the song.

    Then you continued dancing through the next song, and the ones after it. The sky of stars and the moon were the only ones watching you.

     "I love you Hoseok." He met your gaze and then kissed you.

     "I love you (y/n), more than anyone else."

A/N: uWu

College prep and senior work is killing meeeee

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