Six. (I know a great title xD)

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(Sorry I haven't been posting lately, school has been pretty overwhelming, but I'm going to try to post every weekend.)

Daniel, Jonah, and I just decided to go to my house instead of theirs. We sat down on the couch with me in the middle and Daniel and Jonah beside me. Zoey comes downstairs and walks into the kitchen. She doesn't look up form her phone and says, "The other boys went looking for you." Just then there is a knock at the door. Jonah answers it and says, "Well I think they found you." Zach just walks in. "You said she wouldn't be here Zoey." He whines. She shrugs her shoulders. "She just got here." He runs over and picks up Zoey and swings her around. She giggles. "Aye, Zachy boi. You a little too old." They both turn red. Zach runs over and picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. "But, I'm not too old for you!" He runs out the door and over to his house. I was laughing the whole time. "Let's hide from the others." He says. He puts me down and we run into the basement and into a small closet. "We don't really come down here." He says. We both just sat in the closet, squished together. We here the boys upstairs yelling our names. After about 10 minutes I decide to text Jack. I asked Zach for his number. I text, "Hey Jacky boi, find us. Its not that hard." And hit send. I hear him yell, "Guys! She texted me!" I can just imagine them all huddling around his phone. He ends up calling us so we answer. "Hello?" I say. "Where are you guys?" He asks. "Somewhere." I respond. "Come on. Please." He whines. "YOU TWO BETTER NOT BE DOING ANYTHING!!" I hear my sister yell. Zach bursts out into laughter. I can here her back away form the phone and huff. "Fine. Go downstairs." I say and hang up. I can hear the boys run downstairs and Jonah opens the closet. "Found 'em." Jonah says, looking down at us. All the boys huddle around the small closet. I snort as all the boys just stand there looking at us. Jonah helps me up and leaves Zach sitting there. He stands us and says, "Man guys, thanks for helping me." I laugh. "Where's my sister?" I ask. Jack nods his head towards upstairs. I mouth, "oh" and head up there. I see her laying on the couch in a little ball. "Hey" I say gently. "What's wrong?" I ask, my voice still soft. "Are you and Zach dating?" She asks, sitting up. "What? No, of course not. Why?" "You guys spend a lot of time together." She says. "Because we are friends." She giggles a little. I look at her. "He likes you ya know. He just got friend zoned." I laugh a little. "Guess he did." I say, resting my head on the back of the couch. 

My sister, me and the boys end up watching movies. I smile when I look over to see my sleeping sisters head on Zach's shoulder, who was also asleep. I may have accidentally some how cuddled up next to Corbyn and fell asleep. (ok, ok, ok. listen here, Christina is honestly one of my favorite youtuber and I know bean would never do this ever cuz hes a good boy. ok back to the story.) I know that happened because I woke up to Daniel trying to shake me awake. I look over to see Corbyn asleep with his arm around me. I slowly get up without waking him. I see Zach at the door with my sister in his arms. Before we walk out Daniel takes my hand and we slowly follow behind Zach to my house. Zach goes inside to put my sister in her bed. Daniel and I stand out on the porch for a minute. I was upset about Corbyn even though it was technically my fault too. He could tell I was upset and I was shedding a few tears. He pulls me into a tight hug. After few minutes Zach comes out. "Come on Daniel. See ya tomorrow Y/N." Zach says. Daniel kisses my forehead and I go into my house and he goes to his. I change into my pajamas and instantly fall asleep.

I decided to just have a day with Zoey and take her to the mall to get room décor and some clothes if she'd like. I know it will be expensive, but I want to make her feel at home of course. I also need to tell her I enrolled her in school so I also need to get her supplies. I wake her up and she gets dressed. She comes downstairs and she gets a bowl of cereal. She sits down at the bar and I sit across from her. "So, just me and you today. We are going to the mall, but no boys. And I kinda enrolled you in school, well because you have too." "okay. Fine with me. I'm just happy I finally get to spend time with you alone. That's one of the reasons I came down here. Although, do you have any advice. I'll be a sophomore." I nod my head. "Yup, just stay strong and you're only 15 no need to do things with boys or care about what people think about you because you are beautiful. And if you need to talk about anything, I'm here." I tell her. "What if I need help with homework?" She asks me. "Ask Corbyn or Jonah, but never Jack or Zach." Daniel if its music related." She puts her milk filled bowl in the sink. "Remember when you were in marching band?" She asks. I smile. "Yeah, I miss that so much. I loved it and still do. But then I moved and now I don't go to school. I miss my friend group." We talk about my old friends and school some more and then head out. The boys begged us to come but we strongly said no. We walk inside and my sister gets a call. She answers it. "Who is it." She hesitates a little but says, "It's dad." "ITS DAD?!" I scream. People stare at me and I lower my voice. "Can I talk to him?" She nods and hands me the phone. We go and sit on a bench. "Hi dad." I say. "Hey champ!" He says into thee phone. We talk a little bit. "I gotta go. Me and Zoey are at the mall shopping a bit. I'll talk to you later. Love you." We hang up and Zoey and I start shopping. She gets her room décor of a black and white theme. My room was black and gold so our rooms might be pretty similar. I couldn't believe I was living in my dream area with my sister.

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