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Jack comes downstairs practically dragging Zach. They stop at the bottom and Zach whispers something to Jack. Jack just shrugs and walks over to me. "I don't know if I can do this yet." I whisper to him. Corbyn walks down the stairs and waves. I give a forced, weak smile to him. Zach and I just stare at each other not saying anything. I felt that I couldn't talk to him yet. I Turn to leave, but Daniel grabs my arm and pulls me back. He starts to sing. SING. I mean he's a singer, but was this really the right time? "I'm a little bit shy. I'm a little bit right on time, and I know that you  don't operate the same." He was singing Cold in LA. I hear my sister yawn and she was waking up. Jonah, Jack, and Corbyn join in. I looked at them confused. Then came the part. Zach started to sing and he pulled me close to him. "We started with a good night then it turned to day..." He finished and the other boys sing. He pulls me in close and kisses me. I swear I melted a bit. I kiss him back. We break apart right when the boys finish the song. "Y/N, I'm so, so, so, so-" "Zach that's a lot of so's." I interrupt. "But continue." He resumes. "I'm so, so, so sorry for what I did. I don't know what I was thinking. I really like you and I didn't mean to hurt you. Well, I kind of did I guess, but more to make you jealous. And all we did was kissed." He says. I look at him and was relieved. "I forgive you." I say. His face lights up. He hugs me and I feel the rest of the boys hug us too. I look over and see my sister. I hold out my trapped arms and she runs over and joins in. We all pull apart and it was quiet for a little bit. "Pool?" Daniel asks. "YEAH!!" We all say. Zoey and I run over to our house to change into our bathing suits. We get back and the boys are already outside. We join them. I stand next to Daniel. He puts an arm around my shoulder. "You look pretty." He says. I blush. I kiss him on the cheek. I see Jonah out of the corner of my eye. He picks me up like a baby and jumps in the pool with me. We come back up from the water and I punch him playfully. He laughs. He sets me down and I see all the other boys jump in. I see someone swimming underwater towards me, but I couldn't tell who it was. They picked me up and threw me over their shoulder by the lower part of my legs. I laugh and kick a little bit. "Put me down!" I say still laughing. "Never!" It was Daniel. Daniel puts me on his shoulders to where I'm sitting on them. I look up to see Jonah with Zach the same way. Corbyn, Jack, and Zoey were on the "sidelines." "THREE, TWO, ONE, GO!" They yell. I had no clue what was happening. I realize what was happening when Zach throws his arms at me and tries to knock me off. We start play fighting and I end up knocking him off Jonah's shoulders. Me and Daniel high five. "Now Y/N vs. Corbyn and Jonah will be supporting him because I know I can't." Jack says in a game show host type voice. "I'm offended." Corbyn says and scoffs like a girl. He struggles a little to get on Jonah's shoulders, but does finally do it. The others count down and Corbyn looks at me and winks. He pushes me off and I fall into the water. "Corbyn wins!" They yell. "You did good Y/N, you did good." Daniel says, patting me on the back. I roll my eyes and laugh. When it was Zoey's turn the boys were letting her win, but when it was her against Jack it looked like he genuinely fell. It was getting dark out so Zoey and I decided to go home so she could get in bed because she has school tomorrow. I get a shower and head to bed.

I wake up at 6:30 and Zoey was in the bathroom getting ready. I just throw on some clothes and I wait for her downstairs. I get a text from Jack. 

~Text convo~

J:Come over after you drop Zoey off.

Me: OK. Why?

J:We all just wanna get to know you more. :)

Me:k. See ya.

~End Text Convo~

Zoey finishes and I take her to school. She takes a deep breath and gets out of the car. We wave at each other. I watch her walk in and drive away. I go to the boys house and knock on their door. Jonah answers it and lets me in. All the boys are sitting on the couch. I sit next to Daniel and Jonah. They explain to me that they are just going to share fun fact about themselves and then I will. Jack starts. "My hair is naturally straight. This is a perm." Then Zach. "I have only burped once and it was recently." I snort and cover my mouth. All the boys laugh. "Anyway, I really like space and math and stuff like that." Corbyn says. "I hate chocolate, but love watermelon." Daniel says. Then Jonah. "I really like coffee and Harry Potter. Now it's your turn." I hesitate a little. "W-Well I play U-Ukulele and I kind of like to sing, BUT do not ask because I do not sing in front of people." The boys look sad about that but quickly get over it. "What do you guys want to do today?" Corbyn asks. I stand up. "I don't know." I walk into the kitchen and lean against the counter. Zach follows. He holds up my wrist. "You're still wearing it." He whispers, noticing the bracelet he gave me. "I never take it off." I whisper back. He smiles. The rest of the boys walk in. "Wanna go to the mall, grab lunch, and come back and swim?" Jack asks. We all shrug and agree. We got to the mall and spilt up into groups of two. "I call Zach!" Jack yells. "I'll take Jonah." Daniel says which meant I was stuck with Corbyn. The boy with the wonderful girlfriend who snuck into my house and kissed me. Great. Corbyn and I stare at each other and he gives a little wave. I give an awkward smile. And we head our separate ways. We didn't talk, but decide to go to Hot Topic. We walk in and something immediately caught my eye. I tug on Corbyn's shirt and he looks at me. I point to a shirt that says, 'Why Don't We' on it. He smiles. "Good eye." He says. We look around the store a little longer and I decide to buy the shirt. "You're buying it?" He asks. "Yup." I say giving him a goofy smile. He laughs and we exit the store and stop by a few more, getting stopped by fans and they had no clue who I was. We had to explain to them that, no, Corbyn was not cheating on Christina, and that we were just friends. My phone dings. "Meet us at the food court in 5?" It was Jack. I agree and Corbyn and I head that way. We see the boys a sit at a table while Jack and Daniel go up a grab some pizza. Zach sees my bag. "What did you buy?" He asks. "You'll see later." I answer him. He pouts a little, but gets over it once Jack and Daniel come back with the food. 

We go back to the boys house and change to swim. All the boys jump in at the same time and splash me. I just sit and put my feet in. "Come on Y/N get in." Jonah whines. "I'm good right now." I say. Then, Jack swims over and pulls me in. I come back up from the water and hit him with a pool noodle. All the boys laugh and we swim for a bit longer. "I need to go pick up Zoey." I say. We say goodbye and I go to pick her up.

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