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She slams the door when she gets in the car. She looked like she had been crying. I put my hand on the back of her head. "What happened Zoe?" She slaps my hands away. "Don't call me that!" Tears starts streaming down her face. I sigh. "Do you wanna talk about it over ice cream?" I ask. Her face softens and she slowly nods. We drive to the nearest little dairy bar. We get it and we sit at a table outside. "So what happened?" I ask. "All these kids took my food so I didn't eat today. I sat by myself at lunch and people pushed me and called me fat, ugly, and stupid. And a lot worse than that, but I don't wanna say those words. They said what's the point of being on this earth if there is no purpose for me to be." I could tell she was trying to hold back tears. I hug her and tell her everything will be okay. We talk a little more and go home. We pull up and Jack was sitting on the stairs that lead up to our front door. He quickly stands up and puts his hands in his pockets. "Hey." He says. We lead him in because he says he needs to talk. Zoey goes to her room. "What's up?" I ask him, sitting on the couch. "Well, we are going on tour in 2 weeks and we are aloud to bring you. Do you wanna go?" I hug him tight. "Jack that's fantastic!" I beam. "But, I can't. I have to stay with Zoey." "I understand." He says, disappointed. "I'm sorry. But, how long does it last for?" When I ask that he looks sad. "A-A month." I was sad, but they needed it. We talk it over and we were all going to spend time together until they did leave.

Two weeks flew by. We went to the airport with the boys to say good bye. I hugged all of them and then I get to Corbyn. We stare at each other and I hug him the tightest. I could tell he was surprised at first, but he hugs back. "I hope you see your girlfriend and tell her you love her." I whisper to him. "Will do." He says as we pull apart. He puts his hand out. "Friends?" I shake his hand. "Friends." We say our final good byes. Zoey hadn't told me about anymore bullying lately, so that was good.

The month went by terribly slow. I could tell Zoey was slowing down and we were both even more miserable than usual. I was scared for Zoey. The day came when the boys came back. I picked up Zoey from school and I had promised to go get the boys from the airport. We went home first because we had some time. Zoey tiredly stalks up the stairs and goes to the bathroom. About an hour passed and it was time to go. I walk upstairs to get Zoey. I open her door and she wasn't in there. The bathroom door was open a little. I slowly push it open. "Zoe?" I say in a small voice. I see her laying on the floor with a bottle of pills laying next to her. I shake her and she doesn't wake up. I break down crying and immediately call an ambulance. Jack calls. "Hey Y/N, where are y- What's wrong?" I try to catch my breath from sobbing. "I-It's Zoey. She's not breathing and I-I think she o-overdosed." Jack goes silent. For a long time. He finally speaks. "We are coming as soon as possible." He says and hangs up. The ambulance comes and takes her away. They told me to wait at my house for my friends to come so they can see what happened to Zoey. There was a faint knock at the door. I open it and it was the boys. Corbyn immediately engulfs me in a bear hug. He hugs me very tight and the other boys join in. After a little bit Jack says, "You wanna go to the hospital now?" He asks softly. I nod my head and we all go to the car. Jonah drives and I sit in middle-back between Jack and Daniel. It was dark outside and my head was planted on Daniel's shoulder and Jack's head was on mine. We finally get to the hospital and walk in. They tell us to wait. After about 20 minutes a nurse comes out. "We have good news and bad news." She says. "The good news is she is going to be fine, she only passed out form consuming one pill. The bad news is she will need to stay here and out of school for a few weeks. She will also only be able to eat very little because we don't want her throwing up. And two of you can come in, but only with the family member." She walks away and I stand up. "Who do you want to take in first. O-Or you can go by yourself." Daniel says. I point to Zach because he made her happy. He stands up and follows me to her room. She was awake and looked very tired. I immediately start crying and hug her. She was crying too. "I-I'm so s-sorry. I f-felt like I c-couldn't h-handle it a-anymore." She says. I felt bad for her and she was stuttering terribly. "Why didn't you tell me?" I ask her. "I d-didn't w-want you to w-worry." She sees Zach and her eyes light up a little. He walks over and hugs her. He kisses her cheek. We all talk together and switch between boys. I get a call from the school. I answer, "Hello?" I say into the phone. "Hello Ms.Y/L/N what all is going on with your younger sister Zoey?" I explain everything to her principal and asks me to come in and speak in front of the school about what happened tomorrow. I accepted. I was going to stay, but the nurse told me they had contacted my mom and she was flying down to stay with Zoey. The boys offered to come stay at my house and I okayed. Jonah would be sleeping in my room. "I'll sleep here on the floor." He said. I put my hand in front of him and shake my head. "You are sleeping in my bed with me." I state. He doesn't ask, he just does as I say. Jonah gets in my bed and I bury my head into his chest and he hugs me.

I wake up the next morning and dress nicely, but comfortably for the presentation I was doing for the school. I get to the school and they give me a name tag and lead me to the auditorium where all the highschoolers were located. I walk onto the little stage they had set up and people go quiet. "Do any of you know what has happened to my 15 year old sister? She tried to commit suicide because of some of you people. Telling her she shouldn't be on this earth. Do you have any idea what you have done to our entire family. I found her and thought she was dead! That was the hardest thing to deal with." I talk more about the situation and eventually finish up and head home. The school took care and found the kids who did it. Things were complicated.


Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey. So I might be starting another series AND still doing this one and the new one will be called 'Supernatural' and thank you for reading this, it means a lot. Byyyye.

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