Chapter 19

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"You guys should have come!!!", Joe started

"Well.. actually we guys went to a virgin pub.", Suraj stated

"All of you??", Joe asked (surprised)

"Yes!! All of us.", I added

"Why the hell you guys didn't invited me?", He asked

"What invited? You already left and it was getting a boring so it striked my mind and the others agreed to it.", Suraj defended

"Wow!! Maharnab you went to the pub!!", Joe teased

"Yeah!!", I laughed

"Well.. I felt it abit awkward but why did Joe asked you that way?", Shraddha mumbled in my ears

"No!! Actually I don't usually go to such area and Joe use to frequently call me to hang out. That's it!", I replied

We're almost done with our dinner, even Rubin, Sidd and Rupinder left off from the table. Remaining Joe, Suraj, Tanvi, Shraddha and me were just gossiping and laughing at our jokes and then there came in Priyanka.

"Hello!! Mind if I joined in?", She waved her hands on my shoulders.

"Hey!!! there you are?", I turned around

"Priyanka join us. Come and sit.", Joe appealed

"Who's Priyanka?", Shraddha smirked

"I will introduce you to her.", I replied

Hello there!", Shraddha and Tanvi greeted her

"So Tanvi and Shraddha this is Priyanka. Priyanka-Tanvi, Tanvi-Priyanka, Priyanka-Shraddha, Shraddha-Priyanka.", Joe introduced

"Was that even necessary?", I debrief

"Lol!!!, Seriously introduction like this one?", Priyanka laughed

The mood was set on the table, both the girls were enjoying out the sync of sisterhood with Priyanka. Laughing and gossiping and it was time to take our goodnight wishes and return back to our bed for another beautiful day.

"It was nice meeting you people!!", Tanvi greeted

"Indeed, it was. For a few minutes but it was very good.", Priyanka signed in

"So lets take our leave. See ya.", Joe added up

"Goodnight people.", I ended and went out.

[In the room]
I quickly changed into my regular wear and jumped in my bed. I was too tired that my eyelids got fixed and weren't going to open untill next morning.

[Phone ringing sound]
"Who might have called now?", I looked up rubbing my eyes

The screen was blinking "DAD" and without wasting any moment I took the call.

Me- Hey Dad?? How are you?
Dad- All good. How's your day going?

Me- It's great. Meeting new people and experience
Dad- Are you been drinking?

Me- Absolutely not! Trust me. Bdw where's Mom?
Dad- She is fine. Busy with the kitchen. Okay its time so sleep early and dont do and stupid.

Me- Alright

And the call hung up from that side. Now though my eyes weren't burning nor do I have any drowsiness. I checked in my phone. There was Priyanka's message, unread. *It's a long story. I am good*. read the message. Sigh!! Okay she is good. I reeled back the whole day, and started smiling like an idiot.

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