Chapter (5) "self image"

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Landslide - oh wonder

“I was always there for other people, and I knew I meant something to them, but I was never that friend that you stay with, I was there to help people back up on their feet after their souls have been shattered by life and then send them back to the people they belonged with, I am only a brick in the wall, like an army medic in the battlefield that helps soldiers to heal their wounds so that they can go back to their families, leaving him and only him in the battlefield.., I was always the one left behind and I didn’t mind it, why do I seem annoyed by it now?” Jade.

“I am the only one there for you, when the sun rises from behind you, I will be standing right in front of you guiding the way, and as the sun sets from in front of you I will be standing behind you watching your back, I am the only one that you can whole heartedly believe is going to be there when the next morning rises upon you, but for some reason you chose to stay inside..” Shade

“I can build you castles and gardens of cotton candy, I can give you wings of wax and set you to sky, I can show you the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, a paper moon and the four leaved clover, unicorns and butterflies, and when it rains, I will watch it all fall down right in front of you the castles, gardens, wings,..dreams, all fading away, but once the storm is over, I will be there to build it all back again” Kit the Kid
“ Despite the lack of Oxygen we still breath” Nate
If there’s anything we have in common, is that we all need this to end.

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