Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter Twenty-Five

"Someone explain to me where the hell my best friend is, now," Lena growls out angrily.

"He's been abducted," Greyson says calmly.

"How does one of the strongest men on the planet get abducted?!" She snaps frustrated.

"By one of the most powerful to ever be on this team," Greyson says simply, and Lena looks at me.

"My mom," I say quietly.

"Well, we need to find him!" Lena says, her voice cracking. I pull her down to next to me and her body collapses and she puts her head in her hands.

"I know Lena, and we will, but there is no way to track them unless Aviva has some sort of molecular tracker we don't know about," Macie says with a hopeful glint in her eye.

"I don't, but Lyle seems to have an idea..." I mumble.

"Would you be willing to put aside your past to work on that project with him? He's not going to be able to do it without your help Aviva," Greyson says calmly.

"I'll help him," I say quietly.

"Aviva," Lena says surprised.

"He's my best friend to Lena, I love him like a brother, and I am not about to let that half-human psychopath take him away from us," I growl out.

"I am going to need your help as well, there are about twenty project proposals that need to be gone through and Alexander is supposed to have three crucial project development meetings this week," Lena says pained.

"I'll take care of it," I say firmly.

"I have not informed the police of his disappearance. I figured that would be a call we should make as a team," Greyson says.

"Our stocks will drop drastically if the public finds out that he's missing. In addition, someone is bound to put two and two together that Feedback is MIA and Alexander is missing," Lena says seriously.

"So, it's up to us to find him," I say bleakly.

"Missing person cases aren't really our forte," Macie says uncomfortably.

"They are now," Greyson says firmly.

"I need Lyle's number," I say with a long sigh.

"Here," Lena says giving me her phone.

I send him a text asking if I could come by. He is hesitant to agree but I tell him that there is some news I need to give him in person and he gives me his address and tells me the front door will be unlocked and my name will be left with the front desk. Does he already know that Alexander is missing? Or can he just feel the urgency in my messages?

"I think I am going to head out," I say.

"By yourself?" Lena asks me alarmed.

"I will be okay Lena, don't worry," I say kissing the top of her head before leaving.

Walking inside I notice that the building is older but very well kept. Looking around at the lobby, it is heavily furnished but it is very tasteful. I'm surprised Lyle doesn't live in a flashy condo or penthouse. This doesn't really seem his style. I marvel at how quiet everything is on my way up and when I step off the elevator, it is silent. This is definitely why is he here. Knocking on the door before I walk in, I see Lyle on the couch with paper in his hand.

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