Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter Twenty-Three

"Hey Aviva," Lena says popping into my lab.

"Hey," I say not taking my eyes off my work. I am working on the contacts and if I make one little slip, they will be completely ruined. Unfortunately, that's just the nature of the materials. Contact lenses or glass aren't meant to have metal components added to them after all.

"Greyson would like all of us to meet at headquarters tonight after work," she says giving me space knowing how sensitive this is.

"Ok," I say half comprehending her words.

"I'm going to take Xander back, so I can trust that you can get yourself there, okay?" Lena persists.

"Sure," I say.

"Also, my middle name is Gretchen," she says sarcastically. I pause for a moment and give her a strange look.

"What are you talking about? Your middle name is Akemi because your grandmother off your mom's side is Japanese," I say confused.

"Good to know you at least heard one of the things I was saying," she says rolling her eyes but smiling.

"Headquarters after work, right?" I ask, and she nods.

"I'll be there," I say, and she leaves.

I spend hours working in the lab and I completely lose track of time. I really need to start alarms on the hour to help me not be late for everything. I am almost finished by the time six o'clock rolls around, I was supposed to get off work at five, but Lena never specified a time, she just said after work. Making my way over to headquarters an uneasy feeling forms in the pit of my stomach and I can't figure out as to why. I land in my room and change from my work shirt into a clean t-shirt before walking down the hall to the common area.

"Where is she? Didn't you tell her to meet us after work?" Alexander's voice echo's down the hall.

"I did!" Lena exclaims.

"She did, but I lost track of time as always," I say entering the room.

Five pairs of eyes dart to me and it takes me a moment to process the fact that there is an additional person here. I meet a steely pair of blue eyes and anger ripples through me. I pull a neutral expression and turn my gaze to Alexander. Lyle looks different than last time I saw him, but my anger towards his actions certainly hasn't faltered.

"What is he doing here?" I ask in a flat tone.

"He thinks that he can help us track down your mom," Alexander says matching my tone.

"I'll find her myself," I snip crossing my arms.

"I told you this wasn't a good idea..." Lyle mumbles as Greyson speaks over him, "Aviva, don't be childish."

"He is a short-tempered asshole with no respect for anyone but himself," I grind out with all of my attempts at being calm rush out the window.

"Aviva," Lena says surprised.

"No, she has every right to be mad, I am and was an asshole to her," Lyle says leaning back into the couch.

"I mean we all know why she left Caspian industries but that was a while ago and she needs to let that go to help keep this city from being torn apart," Alexander says.

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