Chapter Sixteen

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This is a long one! TBD why I felt the need to make this chapter double the normal length XD

Enjoy! XX Cc

Chapter Sixteen

I take in a huge breath as I exit the exam room and I can't help the ear-splitting smile on my face. I just finished my last exam and I don't feel too bad about it. I felt comfortable with most of the questions and that was good enough for me. I pull out my phone to call Cathleen to let her know I survived when it starts to vibrate in my hand. I don't recognize the number, but I pick it up anyway.


"Aviva Arlington?" A female voice asks.


"My name is Colleen Smith; I work at Benjamin Hospital. I'm afraid your father was knocked out while walking under some construction. He's okay for the most part but he's going to need someone to help him home once he wakes up," she says. Shock courses through my veins and I can't help but to gape.

"I'll be there shortly," I say.

Making my way across town, I find the hospital with ease. I make my way into the emergency room and a nurse points me in the right direction. I peak my head behind the curtain and see a bandage on my father's head and a heart monitor hooked up. I take a seat in the chair by the bedside and pull out my phone. I play games for a while until I hear him stirring.

"Aviva?" His groggy voice asks.

"Hi dad, let me go get the doctor," I say before ducking out.

I flag down a doctor, and he informs us that my dad has a minor concussion. That he needs to be monitored for the next few days to make sure his symptoms do not worsen. He also recommends that my dad take the week off of work at least. My dad grumbles but agrees.

"A nurse will give you a neurological exam and then you are free to take your father home," he says.

"Thank you," I say shaking his hand.

"You wouldn't happen to be Aviva Arlington, would you? I thought I read about you in a science magazine my wife is subscribed too," he says.

"It's very well possible. I was featured in the Scientific American a few months ago," I say.

"That was it! Well, it was a pleasure to meet you," he says before leaving. I start gathering my things until my dad's voice stops me.

"Call Genève and have her take me home. You don't need to stay here any longer," he says in a cool tone.

"Who the hell is Genève?" I ask annoyed.

"My girlfriend, her number is on my phone. Please call her and have her come pick me," he says gruffly. I let out a small humph before dialing her number.

"What the actual hell Liam! I have been trying to get a hold of you for the last four hours! You never texted me that you were safe at work. Where the hell have you been?" A female voice screams through the phone.

"My dad wound up in the hospital with a minor concussion. He is being insistent that you come and pick him up and take him home rather than me doing it," I say, and the line goes quiet.

"Aviva?" She asks in shock.

"I'm glad to hear that you know who I am because I certainly don't know anything about you. He's at Benjamin hospital and he can leave whenever you get here," I say before hanging up.

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