Chapter Twenty-Four

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Chapter Twenty-Four

I don't hear from Lena and Alexander all weekend, which is quite peculiar behavior for them. When Monday finally rolls around, I set off to work with worry starting to pick away at me. Neither have answered any of my calls or texts and considering they live near their phones, that's unnerving. When lunchtime rolls around, I take the elevator up to the top floor and see that both of their doors are closed down the hall.

"Hi Aviva," Madge says and there is a confused look in her eyes.

"Hi Madge, Hi Dorthey. Are Alexander or Cathleen in?" I ask. Maybe they are in a meeting?

"No, neither of them came into work today," Dorthey says with a concerned look.

"Have you heard from either of them today?" I ask alarmed.

"I've been carbon copied on a few emails from both of them today," Madge says.

"It's very unlike them to not come into work," Dorthey says concerned.

"It is very unlike them, one thing we all have in common is the fact that we are all workaholics," I say flatly.

"Hopefully they are just having an off today and they will be back tomorrow," Madge says.

"Hopefully," I mumble before leaving.

Heading back down to my lab I focus on developing my contacts. Focusing intently on it, I zone out as I try to place the main component on the outside of the contact. I settle the first one in and start trying to hook up to things so I can program it. I sense someone outside the door of my lab and lookup. There is someone I don't recognize; they smile and wave awkwardly.

"Can I help you?" I ask having the door slide open and standing in the doorway.

"Do you know where Mr. Caspian is?" A shy female voice asks me.

"He's working from home today, is everything alright?" I ask her curiously.

"He was supposed to come and assist my team with our project today. Is everything alright? He doesn't normally miss important workdays like today," she questions with a worried look in her eye.

"He called me last night, he's sick, it's nothing more than that," I say reassuringly, and she relaxes.

"Do you think you could maybe stop by for a few moments? Mr. Caspian always said we could come to you with any questions," the woman says, shocking me.

"Sure," I say.

Following the woman down the hall, I meet her team and they catch me up on the planning for their project. I spend almost an hour talking to them and helping them spitball different methods to work on the project. I point out some things that I see that could be potential issues in the future and they take genuine notes of it. As I am walking back to my lab, I try to remember what I was doing before I was interrupted.

Walking over to my lab table. My stomach drops to my feet and I can't help but scream out curse words. Walking over to my contacts, the mechanism short-circuited and melted everything into a mess. Clenching my fists repeatedly, I try to keep myself from exploding in frustration. Sighing I throw everything into my trashcan and leave work early.

I opt to walk home today; I certainly have the time. Arriving back at my apartment, I realize that I am not staying here and walk inside and lock the door behind me before disappearing back to headquarters. When I finally arrive, I see Lena on the couch talking to Macie.

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