The Proposal

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Brian: This boy had it all planned out. He had taken you to a nearby park that you two spent a lot of time at. He had taken you to the center of the park and got down on one knee.
"Y/N, I-I love you so much. You're the absolute best thing that has ever happened to me and I can't imagine spending the rest of my life without you. Will you marry me?"

Claire: You had planned to propose to Claire, but she had beat you to it. The two of you went out to eat at a very fancy restaurant. You had spent all of your time over the past few weeks thinking of how to propose to her, that your mind was blown when you seen the ring in the bottom of your champagne glass.
"Y/N, will you be my wife?"

Bender: The way he popped the question was so random. The two of you were walking through the town together, hand in hand, when the conversation came up.
"Would you ever marry me? Yeah? Okay, let's do it then."

Andy: It was just a spur of the moment thing. The two of you were on your last year of college when it happened. He had just won the biggest wrestling match of the season. Right in the middle of celebrating, he looked at you seriously.
"I love you, Y/N. And I think you should marry me."

Allison: The two of you had spent the day painting. Neither of you were allowed to look at the others canvas until you were both done. As a joke, Allison had made a hilarious painting of you. Her eyes widened when you showed her your canvas that read, 'Will you marry me?'
"So? What do you say Allison?"

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