Chapter 2: The Road to Disney

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"You don't waste no time at all. Don't hear the bell but you answer the call. It comes to you as to us all. We're just waiting for the hammer to fall." Queen's 'Hammer to Fall' was heard in Penn's room as an alarm. The redhead groaned and called off the alarm. He had set the thing for 4:00 am. Today was Friday. He, his sister, and friends were going to Disneyland. And Operation: Love Cobra would commence.

He sat up and stretched his limbs. Rubbing his eyes, he went to the bathroom and took a quick shower so Sadie could go afterwards. Putting on a blue bathroom robe, he walked out of the bathroom and back to his room. "Okay. What to wear? Something comfy, yet cool." The redhead muttered to himself as he rifled through his closet. He eventually came upon a black and white flannel shirt and a pair of blue jeans. "Hmm. This could work." He said. He also found a pair of black converse sneakers. Sure, they may not be that comfy, but they look nice.

After putting said clothes on, Penn looked at himself in the mirror. "Okay. This is working pretty well. I'm just missing something." He said. Scanning around the room, the redhead noticed a black  jacket. "Perfect." He said, putting on the jacket. He looked back at the mirror once again. "Okay. Now I'm ready to go." He said.

Then, there was knock on the door. "Come in." Penn said. It was Sadie. She was wearing a gray Incredibles T-Shirt, black jeans, white converse, and a white zipped up hoodie. "Hey Sadie. What's up?" He asked. "Can I borrow your extra headphones?" She asked. "You can't find yours?" He asked. She shook her head. Penn sighed. "Fine. But you better give them back on Sunday." He said, giving her his extra headphones. "Will do, brother." She said. "Damn bro. You look nice!" Sadie said. "Thanks sis." He said. "Ya ready to complete Operation: Love Cobra?" Sadie asked. "Heck yeah." Penn said.

"Kids! You ready to go?" Their father asked form downstairs. "Depends. Will we have time to stop at Starbucks?" Penn asked. "If you and your sister are ready, then yes." The Twins looked at each other. "You know. I can do makeup at school. I need my coffee." Sadie said. "Same." Her brother said. Grabbing their bags, the two rushed down the stairs. "Wow. You guys really want your coffee." Their mother said. "Mom. It's 4:30 in morning. We need caffeine in our blood." Penn said. "Alright. Let's get going." Their father said.

Placing their bags on the trunk, the Zero twins climbed into the back seats and they drove off to have local Starbucks. Penn's phone buzzed and he looked to see that it was Boone.

Boone: Hey bro. How you doing?

Penn: Good. You?

Boone: Good. Already here at the school with Sashi.

Penn: Damn. You two arrived early!!

Boone: Yeah. I here just because I want to, and Sashi's here because her parents and her brother had something in a hour.

Penn: Okay. Say, we're on our way to Starbucks. Do you two want anything?

Boone: Sure. I'll take the Cinnamon Dolce Creme. Sashi says that she'll be okay.

Penn: Okay. So, just the Cinnamon Dolce Creme?

Boone: Yep.

Penn: Okay. See you in a few.

Boone: Peace ✌🏻

"Alright kids, what do you want?" His mom asked. "I'll have the Cappuccino." Penn said. "I'll take the Caffe Latte." Sadie said. "Also, Boone said that he wants the Cinnamon Dolce Creme." Penn added. "Okay then." Their father said. "Wait. Boone's already there?" Sadie asked. "Yeah. Both him and Sashi." "Okay. Well, doesn't Sashi want anything?" Sadie asked. Penn patted his sister in the back. "Oh Sadie. It was a good thing you were in San Francisco. You see, Sashi, plus caffeine or sugar, equals a dangerous combination." He said. "Really. What would happen?" Sadie asked. "Sashi would go all crazy and act like a hyena." Her brother said. Sadie gulped. She did not want to see that. After getting their coffee, the Zero Twins made their way to the school. Sadie then noticed her brother reading stuff in his phone. Again. "Again with the books, Ben?" She asked with a smirk.

Penn smirked back and playfully rolled his eyes. Ben was a nickname that Sadie gave him when they were in their pre-teens. In the Disney lure, the name Ben was associated with the character form Descendants. But it was also associated as the name the fandom gave to the male version of Belle. And considering that Belle was one of Penn's favorite Disney Princesses, and he was smart and liked to read, it made sense that his twin sister gave him the name. But Penn also had a Disney themed nickname for his sister. It was Sari. He called her that since Sadie's favorite princess was Ariel form the Little Mermaid. That and they were both much alike, much to some of Penn's annoyance. But he didn't mind it.

"Why yes, Sari. I'm at the books again." He said, once again smirking at his sister. "Well played." Sadie said. "Why thank you." Penn said, taking a sip of his drink. "Kids. We're here." Their mother said. "Hoo-" Penn was cut of by his sister. "RAY!!" She yelled. The boy rolled his eyes. He knew that she will never stop doing that. The two teens got of the car and got their stuff from the trunk.

"Oh my goodness! I'm gonna miss you two so much!" Their mother said, hugging her children tightly. "Mom. You'll be okay. It just two days." Sadie said. "Also, you suffocating us." Penn said in a raspy voice. "Oops. Sorry." Their mother said, letting them go. "Now Penn. Please keep an eye on Sadie and-" "Relax Mom. I'll keep an eye on Sadie." Penn said. "Okay then. Have fun you guys." Their father said as they shared a family group hug. Their parents eventually got back on the car and left. "You really gonna watch me like a hawk?" Sadie asked. "Nah. After Sashi taught you those defensive skills, I think you'll be okay." He said.

"Hey! You're finally here!" A voice said. They both turned around to see Boone and Sashi walking over to them. Boone was wearing a blue hoodie, a white shirt underneath it, black Adidas Pants, and his usual flip flops. Sashi was wearing a white off the shoulder shirt, a black sweater, black jeans, and black boots. Penn couldn't help but to blush at the sight of his crush. He then gave himself a mental slap. "Penn! Get it together!! Not yet."

"So, did you bring me my coffee?" Boone asked, making his redhead friend snap out of his trans. "Oh, yeah, we did." Penn said, giving his friend the Cinnamon Dolce Creme. Boone took a sip and sighed. "Man. That hits the spot." He said. "Come on bro, we have to check in." Sadie said, nudging her brother with her elbow. Penn nodded. "We'll be right back." Penn said to his friends as he and his sister went of. They went over to the check in area and dropped their bags so they could be loaded inside the bus.

"So, you idjits excited?" Sadie asked as she and her brother came back to their friends. "Heck yeah!" Boone said. "Idjits? Really?" Penn asked with a raised eyebrow. "Don't question it." Sadie said. "Fine." He said. "What about you Sash. You excited?" Boone asked the Asian girl. "Yeah. Though I'm a bit nervous. This is my first time going there at all." "Wait. You've never been to Disneyland before?!" Sadie asked in shock. "Yeah. My family and I don't go out that much." She said. "Well. We'd be happy to show you around." Penn said, motioning to himself, Sadie, and Boone. "Really?! Thank you!" Sashi said, giving the redhead a small hug, which the boy in question couldn't help but to give back. And all the while he heard his sister and Boone quietly chant: "PenAshi! PenAshi!" "Did you hear something?" Sashi asked. Penn shook his head no.

"Hey. The bus is ready!" Sadie said, pointing to the bus that was being loaded with kids. "In that case, let the two hour bus ride begin." Penn said. The four teens climbed on the bus, and sat in the middle, with Penn and Sashi in one row, and Boone and Sadie in the one behind them. And with that, the bus began to leave for Anaheim.

As they began the journey, Penn noticed Sashi's tired face. "Tired?" He asked. She nodded. Sashi then unknowingly laid her head against the redhead's shoulder, which made the boy blush a bit. "Um. Sash?" He asked. "Oh! Sorry. I didn't mean to-" "Hey. It's perfectly fine. Get some sleep. You're gonna need it." Penn said. "Okay. Just wake me up when we get there." Sashi said. "Will do." He said. Sashi yawned and slept against Penn's shoulder. Plugging in his headphones, Penn slowly wrapped his left arm around the sleeping girl and brought her a bit closer to him.

"I get down on my knees and I start to pray! Till the tears run down from my eyes, Lord! Somebody. Oh somebody! Can anybody find me." "Somebody To Love." Penn quietly sang, his eyes trailing down at Sashi. He sighed and looked out the window, resting his elbow on the window.

"Why does love have to be so complicated?"

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