Chapter 4- Rides, Food, Characters, Oh My!

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Our heroes walked out of the locker room and stood in the sidewalk of the street. "Okay. So what's the plan?" Sashi asked. "Simple. Two of us will go over to the Indiana Jones ride and get the fast passes for the ride, while the other two will go and make line for another ride." Penn said. "You and Boone should go on. Sashi and I will make line for Peter Pan." Sadie said. "Good call, sis. Now just give me your ticket." He said. Sashi raised an eyebrow, but gave him her ticket otherwise. "I'll explain it to you on the way." Sadie said. Sashi nodded. "See you girls there." Boone said, as he and Penn left for Adventure Land.

The two boys walked over to the Indiana Jones ride and went over to the fast pass area, which is located right next to the Jungle Cruise. There was a bit of line with about five people in front of them, but they eventually got to the fast pass machines. After a minute of get said fast pass, mainly because the two boys were getting frustrated by the machines, they finally left the area and walked over to the Peter Pan ride.

When they arrived, it turned out that they arrived just in time. Sashi and Sadie were at the point where they were about to go in the interior of the line. Penn and Boone quickly walked over the line, jumped across the rope, and were with the girls again. "Hey. What took you guys so long?" Sadie asked. "Well, there were five people in front of us. Not to mention, that machine was really frustrating us." Boone explained. "Anyways. Here you go, ladies." Penn said, handing over the girls their tickets and fast passes. Sashi looked at it. The ride name was on top. And there were two times there. 11:45 and 12:45. "So, we go to the ride between this time?" Sashi asked, getting nods from her friends. "Huh. Nice." She said.

They eventually reached the ride vehicle, which was a small pirate ship, like the one form the movie. It was obvious that all 4 of them were not going to fit in one, so, they decided to split up. Boone and Sadie went on one boat, while Penn and Sashi went on another one.

As the ride went one by, Penn looked at the girl next to him. She had a wide smile on her face. Penn couldn't help but to blush a bit. "Her smile. It's just perfect." That thought was interrupted when Penn noticed that they were at the scene where Captain Hook was about to be eaten by Tick Tock, the crocodile. "Well. The ride's over." Penn said. "Really? That was fast." Sashi said. "Yeah. But since the line for this will get much longer as the day goes by, good that we got this over with." Penn said. They both reached the departure area. Being the closest to the platform, Penn got off first, followed by Sashi.

"So, how was that for you first Disneyland ride?" Sadie asked as they walked out of the attraction. "It was actually really nice." Sashi said. "Say. What time is it?" Boone asked. Penn looked at his watch. "It's 10:30." He said. "Guess We can do a few more rides." Sadie said. They walked over to the Snow White ride. They entered the queue. "Okay. Raise your hand if this ride gave you nightmares as a kid." Boone said as he raised his hand. Sadie and Penn proceed to do the same. "Geez. Was it really that scary?" Sashi asked. The three nodded. (Yeah. This ride scared the living heck out of me until I was 11! What about you all?)

The quartet reached the ride vehicle, which was a brown bed shaped car and had the name 'Dopey' in front of it. They sat down on the car, with Boone and Sadie in the front, and Penn and Sashi in the back. Everything was going smoothly. When they reached the scene where the Queen turned into a which, Sashi yelped and her left hand grabbed for the closet thing to her. Which happened to be Penn's hand. The redhead blushed. Sashi noticed this and pulled her hand back. But then, Penn grabbed her hand once again. "It's Okay. You can hold my hand if you want to." He said with a smile. And that how the rest of the ride went: with Sashi holding on to the boy's hand.

They four reached the departure area and left the ride. It wasn't till right now that Sashi realizes that Penn was still holding her hand. And it seemed that he noticed this as well. They both blushed and let go. "I will never wash my hand again." He thought. Sadie noticed her brother. "Easy bro. Save it for later." She whispered with a smirk. "Sadie!" Penn whispered back. "Just kidding." She said. Penn rolled his eyes. "Well, What are we doing standing around for? Let keep going." Boone said.

The quartet then went these rides: Pinocchio, Mr.Toad's Wild Ride, and Alice in Wonderland. The quartet also took a couple of pictures with some Disney characters. They were about to make line for the Matterhorn, but then Penn realized that it was time for Indiana Jones. The four walked over to Adventure Land. They reached the Indiana Jones ride. After showing their fast passes, they went inside the queue and ended up near inside the projector room. "Wow! We moved a lot!" Sadie said. "Yeah! The most that we moved in this line was actually right before that cave." Penn said. "Well. We're lucky." Boone said.

They reached the loading area after fifteen minutes. They got the front row. "Penn! You drive!" Sadie said, pushing her brother to the back. "Why?" Penn asked. "Cause you're the oldest of all four of us." She said. "Okay. Fine." He said. Penn looked around and saw that Teddy and his group of friends were actually right behind next to him and his friends. Teddy glared at the redhead. Penn once again smirked and mouthed: "You're going down". The ride vehicle came to view. The quartet and the other guests got on and the Jeep went off.

Throughout the ride, the four teens screamed and laughed at the same time, and yelling random stuff, pretending that Penn was actually driving them through this mess. Eventually, they reached the final scene, where Indiana Jones was looked at the guests, the Boulder right behind him. "Not bad... for a couple of tourists." The Indiana Jones animatronic said. "Yeah. Not bad... for a teenager." Sadie said, looking at her twin. They four laughed at the girl's comment.

They got off the car and exited the ride. While they did, Sadie asked her brother something. "Did you see Teddy and his gang were right behind us?" She asked, quite enough that only Penn could hear. He nodded. "Let's face it. He has a personal vendetta against me now." Penn said. "Well, guess we just got to make sure that Teddy is off our backs." She said. "Right there with you." Penn said.

They then walked over to the Toontown area to ride Roger Rabbit's Cartoon Spin. They walked in the area and Sadie spotted Mickey Mouse's house. "Okay, we have to get a picture with Mickey." She said. The trio nodded and made their way over to the house. They waited for about twelve minutes until they got a couple of pics with Mickey. After that, they went over to the Roger Rabbit ride. After doing about thirty minutes, they got on the ride, with Penn and Sashi in one car, and Sadie and Boone in another. They spun the cars as they rode around the ride.

After that, Penn realized that it was actually close to 2pm. "Hey. Are any of you hungry? Cause I am." He said. "You know, you're right. I'm hungry to." Sashi said. Boone and Sadie nodded. "But where?" Boone asked. The twins looked at each other. "Pizza Planet?" Sha asked. "Pizza Planet." Penn said. So, the quartet walked over to Tomorrow Land. Sadie and Sashi went over to Space Mountain to get fast passes, while Penn and Boone went inside the restaurant to buy the food.

A few minutes later, Sadie and Sashi came back with the fast passes. "You were right, PZ. Those things are frustrating." Sashi said. Penn looked over at his twin sister. "Did she?" "Nope." She said. "Good." He replied, happy that Sashi didn't lose it and break the machine. "Anyways. We have from 6:45 to 7:45 to ride Space Mountain." Sadie said. "Alright." Boone said. After they were eating. They decided to do more rides.

They went over to the Buzz Lightyear, Astro Orbiter, Star Tours, which oddly had no long line. They also went on the Finding Nemo ride and The Matterhorn. Then, the quartet ran over to Frontier Land and rode Big Thunder Mountain. Then, they went over to New Orleans Square, and rode Pirates of the Caribbean and The Haunted Mansion. Then, they went over to Critter Country and rode Splash Mountain, which became one of Sashi's favorite rides. Then, it was time for Space Mountain. They showed their fast passes to the worker and went inside the queue.

The four teens screamed and laughed throughout the ride as they went really fast inside the indoor roller coaster. After about two minutes, they arrived at the departure area of the ride. "Okay. That's my favorite ride!" Sashi said with a smile. "I had a feeling that you would say that." Penn said as he smiled back.

The quartet then went on It's A Small World, and then they re-rode some rides for times sakes. Then, it was 9:15. "Hey guys. The fireworks are going to start in fifteen." Penn said. "Well, then. Let's go." Sashi said. They walked over to the Main Street Area and met up with the rest of the class, which was  behind the Walt and Mickey statue. This was it. Operation: Love Cobra was about to come to an end. "Let's do this." Penn said to himself.

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