Chapter 5- Mission...

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The four kids stood next to each other in a huge crowd of guests as the fireworks began. Random people were yelling and talking, and Disney music could be heard.

Penn looked at his right. There stood Sashi, who had a look of joy on her face. "Enjoying the fireworks?" Penn asked, loud enough for her to hear. "Yeah! This has been the best day of my life!" Sashi said. "Best day if you life, eh?" Penn muttered. He then looked at his twin and Boone, who were, believe it or not... "Holy shit, my best friend is kissing my sister!" He said. Him yelling caused Sashi to look as well, and gasped. "Aww!! Sadoone!! I ship it!" She said. Penn covered his eyes. "Just to be clear, I approve of you two. I just don't want to see my sister making out with my best friend!" This caused Sadie and Boone to stop kissing.

"Hehe. Sorry bro." Sadie said, while she and Boone were blushing. "Like I said, I approve Sadoone." Penn said, earning a chuckle from the other three. Sadie then leaned over to her brother's ear. "So. Ya gonna do it?" She asked. "I'm not backing out." Penn said. Sadie then pats him in the back. "You got this! You the man! Literally!" She said. "Thanks 'Mushu'." Penn said with a chuckle.

He then looked at Sashi once again. "So, you said that this was the best day of your life right?" He asked. Sashi nodded. He then smirked. "What if I told you that it could get even better?" He asked. "Really?! What?!" Sashi asked with a wide smile. "Okay. I'm about to do something that will catch you off guard, so, please don't send me to the hospital!" Penn said. "Penn, what are you talking about?" She asked. "This!" Penn said.

He wrapped his arms around her waist, bringing her closer to him. Their lips were a meter apart. "Penn..." Sashi quietly said. "Shh. It's alright." He said. And then, he kissed her. He could hear his sister and Boone, along with a couple of students, screaming and yelling: "OTP! OTP! OTP!" Penn felt Sashi's arms make their way across his neck. "Holy crap. She's kissing me back! This is actually working!" He thought. The kiss. It was just, magical!! The redhead could also hear 'A Whole New World' from 'Aladdin' playing on the background. Geez, it's like as if the park knew about the mission.

After a minute, Penn and Sashi broke up the kiss. They stared into each other's eyes. Sea blue with almond brown. "This is going to sound completely crazy, but, I love you Sashi Kobayashi." Penn said. "Oh Penn. You have no clue for how long I have been waiting for those words!" Sashi said. "How long is that?" "About almost a year." She said. Penn chuckled. "In that case, let me ask you something." He said. He then grabbed her hand. "Sashi Kobayashi, would you like to be my girlfriend?" He asked. "Yes." She said and they kissed once again. And for the rest of the show, Sashi had her head against his shoulder, while Penn had an arm around her waist.

After a while, the fireworks finally stopped. "So. You guys still wanna keep going, or do you wanna get back to the hotel?" Penn asked. "Well, I kind of exhausted. So, let's get going to the hotel." Sashi said. "Okay. But we must go to the shop first! Then, we can go." Sadie said. "Okay. Let's get going." Boone said. "Say Boone." Penn began, walking over to his best friend and placed his hand on his shoulder. "Yeah?" He asked. "As the brother to your first girlfriend, I must warn you. Break her heart, I'll break you in half. Got it?" Penn asked. Boone gulped, But nodded. "Okay bud. My sister is all yours." Penn said with a chuckle.

The quartet walked over to the principal and told her that they were tried and they were going back to the hotel. The principal allowed them to leave the park and wished them a good night. They walked out of Disneyland and went over to the 'World of Disney' shop. "Sadie? How come you never told me about your crush on Boone?" Penn asked. "I didn't want you to tease me." She said. "Sadie, teasing each other about our love lives is one of our many jobs as siblings." Penn said. Sadie laughed.

The quartet walked around the shop, looking at all the merchandise. In the end, about thirty minutes later, they ended up buying T-Shirts, Sweaters, Some toys, and etc. They paid for their stuff and left the shop. They took the shuttle and it drove them to the entrance of the hotel. Five minutes later, they got off the shuttle and entered the hotel, all four of them utterly exhausted. They took the elevator and went over to the door of their rooms. "Okay, you two. Don't do anything stupid." Penn said to his sister and Boone. "Same to you." Sadie said to Penn and Sashi. They all entered their rooms.

"Ugh. I'm so tired!" Sashi said. "Same." Penn said. He then shot her a tired smirk and before Sashi could ask, he scooped her up in his arms and carried her to one of the beds. "Hey! Put me down!" Sashi said. "Nope!" Penn said. He laid her down on the bed. "See you in the morning." Sashi said. "See ya. Love you." Penn said, pecking her on the cheek. He kicked off his shoes and collapsed on the other bed. However, before he drifted into sleep, he heard something. Crying.

Penn sat up and saw that it was coming from Sashi, who's back was now facing him. He got up and walked over to her. "Hey. Are you okay?" Penn asked gently. "Yeah. I'm okay." She said. "No your not, Sash. I heard you crying. What's wrong?" He asked, sitting down on the edge of the bed. He heard her sigh as she turned around to reveal red eyes and tear stained cheeks, indicating that she was crying. "I can't tell you. You'll think that it's stupid." Sashi said. "No I won't. Just tell me what's wrong." He said, now sitting right next to her.

"Fine. I had a nightmare last night." She said. "Really? What happened?" Penn asked. "Well. Remember the time when the entire multiverse was in danger and that there were these black vortex?" Penn nodded. "Well, in my dream, we were in Dinosaur Cowboy world. The vortex was getting bigger. You jumped over with the two tops. They worked and the vortex closed. But you weren't there. I looked for you everywhere, but you weren't there." Penn's mouth formed and 'o'. "Sash. I'll never leave you. Leaving you is the last thing I want to do to you." "Promise?" She asked. "I promise." He said, kissing her on the cheek. "Want me to sleep here with you?" Penn asked. She nodded.

They both laid down on the bed. The redhead wrapped his arm around her, pulling her closer to him. Penn felt Sashi nuzzle against his chest. He kissed her on the forehead. "Get some sleep. We have a big day tomorrow." He said. "Okay." Sashi said. "Good night." Sashi said. "Good night, my love." Penn said, and they both drifted off to sleep.

"Mission... Completed."

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