Chapter 7- Goodbye, Disney

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The alarm rang through the hotel room once again.

Penn groaned and turned the alarm off. He looked at the girl sleeping in his arms. He kissed her. "Okay. You better wake up or I will tickle if I have to." He said. This caused the girl to wake up. "Morning." Sashi said as they kissed. "How did you sleep?" Penn asked. "Good." Sashi said. "Great! In that case... dibs on the bathroom!" The redhead said, leaping from the bed and rushing to the bathroom. "Hey!" Sashi said. "Sorry. It's called a hustle, dear." The redhead said, and closed the door when he nearly got a pillow to the face.


After dressing and packing their stuff, Penn and Sashi walked out of their room with their bag in tow. Penn was wearing a emerald flannel shirt, a bear themed T-shirt, black jeans, and black converse. Sashi was wearing a white shirt with a bow tied on the back, black jeans, and white converse sneakers with polka dot laces. They met up with Boone and Sadie. The former part time wiseman was wearing a black Mickey Mouse hoodie, tan shorts, and his usual flip flops. Sashi was wearing a black Minnie Mouse hoodie, blue jeans, and white sneakers.

"Aww. You two are matching!!" Sashi said. "Oh, I am so taking a pic of this!" Penn said, whipping out his phone a took a quick picture of his sister and Boone hugging. "Send it to me." Sashi whispered. The redhead chuckled. Don't worry. I will." Penn said. The four teens went to the elevator. "Man, I'm gonna miss this place." Boone said. "Same." Sashi said. "Eh, who knows. Maybe we might come back next year or something." Penn said. "Yeah. You're right. We'll come back for Star Wars Land next year." Sadie said, causing the others to laugh.

They reached the other students, who were at the entrance of the hotel. The quartet dropped their bags so they could be loaded at the bus. They eventually went to get breakfast at the restaurant they ate yesterday. After that, they all went to Downtown Disney. The principal told them that they can do some shopping around, but they are to meet at the shuttle area at 5 so they could leave for the bus.

The quartet walked around. "So. What do you all want to do?" Penn asked. "Shopping!" Both girls said, dragging their boyfriends behind them. They went over to the World of Disney shop again. They just bought some Mickey ears. Then, they went to other shops and bought some other stuff. Around 2pm, they went to the Black Tap to get some shakes. Boone got vanilla, Sadie got strawberry, and Penn and Sashi both got chocolate. As they walked by, the quartet saw some Disney characters and took a few pics with them.

After finishing her shake, Sashi said that she needed to use the bathroom. The others nodded and they saw her run off. "Oh my Chuck! You two are adorable." Sadie said, Look at the pictures that she took of her brother and his girlfriend with Boone. "Oh my Chuck?" Boone asked. "Yeah. You know, Supernatural? God is named Chuck." Penn said. "Oh yeah. But I agree with your sister. You two are adorable!" Boone said. He and Sadie were looking at a photo. Penn and Sashi were sitting on a bench, their hands were interlocked, and they were kissing. The redhead slightly blushed in embarrassment, but brushed it off.

Sashi came back, but Penn, Sadie, and Boone instantly noticed the disturbed face on the Asian girl's face. "Hey. What wrong?" Penn asked in concern. "It's Teddy. He hit on me." Sashi said. "Oh shit." Both Boone and Sadie said as they saw the angry look on Penn's face. But he calmed himself down. "I deal with the bastard later." He smiled at her. "For now, we have some fun." He said, taking her hand. Sashi giggled and leaned forward and kissed him. Boone and Sadie awwed at the sight. Then, out of nowhere: "You two are a adorable couple!" A voice said. Both teens pulled back and saw that the man who said that was none other than... "Oh my Chuck! It's Lin Manuel Miranda!" Sadie said in surprise.

After getting a fun pic and autographs from Lin Manuel Miranda, they teens carried on with the day. Eventually, it was time for them to leave. "Man! I still can't believe we met the creator of Hamilton!" Boone said in awe. "I know. Wait till our parents hear of this." Sadie said. They met of with the rest of the students and went on the shuttle. They rode the thing to the bus. After boarding, they bus began to head back to Midddleburg. "Goodbye Disney." Penn said. "We'll be back." Sadie said. Penn saw that Sashi was slightly shivering. The redhead shrugged of the flannel shirt, leaving him only with his T-Shirt. "Here. It's not that warm, but it's something." He said. Sashi nodded and took it.

Penn looked behind him to see that Sadie and Boone were sleeping, with Sadie's head against Boone's shoulder. "Aww." He said quietly and took a photo. He looked back at Sashi and draped an arm around her. He felt her head against his chest and saw her close her eyes. He sighed and kissed her forehead. "You, my love, are totally worth it." He whispered before falling asleep himself.


About 8pm, they finally arrived at Middleburg Central High. The students got their stuff and met with their parents. "Mom! Dad!" Sadie said and she and Penn hugged their parents. "Hey Kids! How was Disney?" Brock asked. "Awesome! We met Lin Manuel Miranda today!" Penn said. "You did?!" Vonnie asked. The two teens nodded. "That's amazing!" She said. "Also, congrats on getting a girlfriend, son!" Brock said. "You told them?!" Penn asked his sister. "No. I just showed them the pictures." Sadie said.

"Anyways, time to go." Vonnie said. "Okay. But give me a moment." Penn said. He walked over to Teddy, who was talking to his friends. He went up to him, and punched him square on the face. "That's what you get for hitting on my girlfriend." Penn said in anger. He walked back to his family. "Okay. Now we can go." Penn said. "See you guys later!" Sadie said to Sashi and Boone. "See you later dudes." Boone said. "Till tomorrow, my love." Penn said, kissing Sashi. "See ya." She said, giving him back his flannel shirt. Penn climbed into the car and it drove off.

"So... did you tell mom and dad that you and Boone are dating now?" Penn asked his sister. "What?!" Both parents asked. "Oh yeah. Must of forgotten." Sadie said, blushing. "Oh. Our children are growing up!" Vonnie said. "Those are my kids!" Brock said. Penn laughed and looked at Sadie. "You know, I really am glade for you sis." He said. "Same to you, bro." She said. "Disney Twins?" Sadie asked, holding out her fist. The twins fist bumped. "Disney Twins." Penn said. The redhead looked out the window of the car with a smile on his face.

"Best. Trip. Ever." He said.

Author Note: and ladies and gentlemen. We are done with another story. Thank you all for the support!! See you all in another story.


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