Chapter 3: Let the Fun Begin!

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Penn felt something hit him in the head. His eyes fluttered open. 'Must Of dosed off.' looked behind him to see Sadie and Boone. "What?" He asked. "We're five minutes away from the hotel." Sadie said. "Oh." He said and looked at his watch. 7:15. "Okay then." He said. Penn looked over to the sleeping body that was next to him. Sashi was still asleep and nestled against his side. He began to lightly shake her. "Sash. Sashi wake up." He whispered. Her eyes slowly opened. "Ugh. What is it?" She asked. "We're almost there at the hotel." He said. "Okay." She said. "What Hotel are we staying at?" Boone asked. "Disney's Grand Californian Hotel." Sadie said. "Sweet. That hotel rocks." Boone said. "Why?" Sashi asked. "You'll see." Penn said. "Thank God we are near. I have to use the bathroom." Sadie said. "Well. That's what you get for drinking to much coffee." Penn said.

Like Sadie said, they arrived at the hotel in five minutes. The students loaded of the bus and grabbed their bags. They all entered the hotel. "Woah. This place looks nice." Sashi said, getting nods from her friends. "Okay kids, come over here so we can assign you your roommates." The principal, Mrs. Jones, said. Everyone made their way to the check in area. The quartet waited in line. Finally, it was their turn. "Okay. Boone, you're with Sadie." The woman said. "Heck yeah!" Sadie said as she and Boone high-fived. "And Sashi, you are with Penn." The woman said.

The two teens blushed. "Well, I guess it could've been worse." Penn said. "Yeah." Sashi said. Mrs. Jones gave the students their room numbers and told them that they would meet up in the lobby in 8:30 am.

Penn and Sashi went over to their room, which was in the third floor of the hotel and the room number was 1201. Sadie and Boone's room was actually right across theirs, so, there were no problems there. Penn opened the door to their room. Their were two beds, a bathroom, a closet, a desk with info about the park and the hotel, and a flat screen tv. Penn expected that their would be two beds, considering that the roommates were co-ed.

"Looks nice." Sashi said. "Yeah." Penn looked at his watch. 7:45. "Hey. We have forty five minutes left. Wanna watch something quick in the tv?" He asked. "Sure. The two teens sat on different beds, both a bit to shy of sharing the same one. They watched a bit of Disney, oh the irony.

Penn looked back at his watch after a while. 8:15. "Hey. It's eight fifteen. We should probably get going." "Alright." Sashi said. After double checking that they had everything they needed, like phones, the keys to the room, etc, they left their room and went back to the lobby. Along the way, they met up with Boone and Sadie. "Let's do this!" Boone said as they entered the elevator.

Around 8:30, all the students were back at the lobby. "Alright everyone. I have decided to divide you all into groups. Four in each group." And with that, Mrs. Jones read of a list, while Penn prayed that Teddy wasn't going to be in his. Oh yes, Teddy's here. "Then we have Penn, Sadie, Sashi, and Boone as the next group." "Alright! The squad is together!" Boone said. Penn looked over at Teddy, who was glaring at him. The redhead smirked. 'Sorry bud, she's mine.' Penn mouthed. "Bro. Our plan is going to work!" Sadie whispered. "I know!" Penn whispered back, and they shared a fist bump.

"Wait. You're telling me that this hotel is literally connected to the park?" Sashi asked Boone. The boy nodded. "Wow! Now that is awesome!" She said. "I know right!" Sadie said. "Alright then everyone. Now, you guys can roam around the park throughout the entire day. But we are meeting at Main Street at 9:30 so we can watch the fireworks. After that, you will have an extra hour. By 11:30, I expect you all to meet up with me at the entrance of the park. From there we will walk over to the hotel together. If by the end of the fireworks you are tired, then come over to me, which will be around the railroad at Main Street, and I will let you go early. But for now, we must all stay close until we arrive at the park." Sadie raised her hand. "So, I'm assuming we're doing Disneyland today, and tomorrow California Adventure. Correct ma'm?" She asked. "That's correct, dear." Boone then raised his hand. "Say, What If we want to get something from our room during the day?" "Then, you will find me in the Main Street area, and let me know." The students nodded.

"Alright everyone! Let get going!" Mrs. Jones said. They all walked over to the shuttle and climbed aboard. The quartet shared a row. "Ahh. Brings back good memories, ay?" Sadie asked her twin brother. "Yeah. We haven't gone  in one of these since were were 10." Penn said. "You must admit, the wind in my face feels nice." Sashi said, who was right next to Penn. "Yeah." Boone said. "So PZ, What the plan here?" Sashi asked. The twins looked at each other. "Fastpass for Indiana Jones?" Penn asked. "Fastpass for Indiana Jones." Sadie said. "What's a Fastpass?" Sashi asked. "We'll tell you later on. By the way, I agree with Sadie's plan." Boone said.

The shuttle eventually reached Downtown Disney. Everyone got off, and the shuttle left. They were in front of the 'World of Disney' shop. "Okay. We have to take Sashi here before we leave tonight." Sadie said, getting nods from her twin and Boone. "Or if not, I'm sure they'll give us time before we leave in Sunday." Penn said. The students and Mrs. Jones walked over to the entrance of Disneyland. "Sashi. I give you, the happiest place on Earth, Disneyland!" Penn said, his arms extended. Sashi giggled.

After the students went across the entrance by showing their tickets, they were now officially inside the park! (Finally! Took us two chapters!!)

"Okay, students. Follow me so we can get you all some lockers." Mrs. Jones said. "They have lockers here?" Sashi asked. "Yeah. So you can leave the heavier stuff there, like backpacks and jackets. Or if you bought something, but don't want to carry it around, then you can leave it in your locker." Penn explained. "Oh. Okay." Sashi said with a smile. They all walked over to the lockers. "Guys, Remember That the lockers are in front of a fruit stand!" Boone said. "Will do." Penn said, chuckling. They all went in the locker room. "Okay Kids, you will be sharing you locker with you roommate. Once you have your locker, you and your group are allowed to leave and enjoy you day." The students nodded. The quartet walked over to two of the machines. "Say, do you remember how to use this thing?" Sadie asked her brother. "Yeah." Penn said, leaning over to help his sister and friend out. "What size are you all getting?" Penn asked. "A medium will be good." Boone said. After some typing, and song the same on the other machine, they finally got their lockers.

They went looking for their lockers, which were right next to each other. They opened their lockers and left their backpack and other stuff in there. Penn took of the jacket that he was wearing and tied it around his waist. "How come you're not putting your jacket in the locker?" Boone asked. "Simple. I would be too lazy." Penn said, gaining a laugh form his friends. After making sure they had everything and that their lockers were locked, they all went outside.

"Let the fun begin!" Sadie said.

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