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i promise these are here for a reason sksksksk


She was smaller than me, which was expected. The size of one of her thighs was about the size of both my forearms put together, and even though I'd worked on my fitness for six months for this position, I still felt a chink form in my self-esteem. Surprisingly, however, she was taller than I was, standing at an enormous 5'10" at least. Though her long, slender limbs should have made her awkward, they simply emphasized her elegance, as did her sleek, straight black hair that fell in a single sheet down to just below her shoulder blades. Her mouth and nose were small and pinched, although that might have just been the expression she was giving me. When she didn't have such a sour expression, I imagined they would have been a great contrast against her smooth pale skin and her near-black eyes.

"Are you part of the social media team I'm working with?" I asked her, trying to figure out how best to approach conversation with her.

"No. I assist the boys' manager." I thought she would add something more on, but instead she simply said, "Here's your room."

It was small, which was expected. "The social media team all have adjoining rooms in this section of the dorms, although we've found that it's best that you have your own room. There's another pair of rooms for management, but we haven't lived here for years. The boys are farther that way," she said, jerking her head toward the corresponding direction of the hallway.

"Thank you."

She continued without acknowledging me. "You have the usual amenities, hopefully enough for an American. Here," she added, plopping a thick black binder that was laying in the middle of the kitchen counter into my arms, "is everything you will need. It has the schedule laid out, always a month in advance, sometimes more—you'll receive new schedules at the end of each week with relevant updates from the head of your team, Yumi. She should be coming over to meet you shortly. Also in here are the numbers of the various contacts we maintain, and later you will be briefed as to your specific assignments and role." Minji finally looked at me, tightening her eyes as if to impress the point into my skin. "The social media team is allowed plenty of creative liberties; however, we protect these boys fiercely. Take this job seriously, please. Do not mix up work and pleasure, although they seem close. I'll leave you to unpack. Your bags should have been brought to your bedroom."

With a final twitch of her hand, she left. I let out a breath that I hadn't realized I'd been holding.

Quickly, I got to unpacking, making sure to leave my shoes by the door in a neat fashion. I would have to invest in a shoe rack of some sort; I couldn't understand how the system worked here yet even after dozens of Buzzfeed articles and other actually credible sources. My clothes had been vacuum-sealed into small bags so that I could fit more in my two old suitcases, and as I reviewed the dress code in a stack of papers, I was glad I packed every inch of my closet back home. It seemed we were to accompany the boys practically everywhere and match the occasion with their wardrobes as best we could.

"Hello?" A heavily accented voice called out in English.

I stuck my head out my bedroom door, expecting to see someone at the front entrance I'd walked in. When no one appeared, I turned my head the other way, and started at the sight of a woman in the doorway of what I had originally assumed was the bathroom.

"Hello, sunbae," I replied in my heavily accented Korean, praying the honorifics worked for her. "I'm Viv, new to the social media team. You must be Yumi?"

She nodded happily, and displayed the first smile I had seen in this complex. Her teeth were neat, small, and wide, her eyes honest and open. Her features complimented her wide blue pants and lacy white shirt perfectly. I immediately liked her. "Do you need help moving in?"

It Takes Two (Kim Namjoon)Where stories live. Discover now