Turning Him

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Hope you enjoy.

Stella xoxo


"GET AWAY FROM MY MATE YOU, YOU MONSTER!!!" My head snapped up to Stacie, who was now dressed in a black floor length dress and a purple velvet cloak.

"What do you mean, mate?" I questioned. Jason was still in flames slowly transforming into his own devil.

"I mean stay away from Jason!" She lifted her long, golden hair and showed her neck, which displayed Jason's mark. What?! How?! When?! All these questions were running through my mind.

"I must have two mates, shit!" Jason muttered. He was now wearing a black tuxedo, his hair had silver streaks with gold tips, his blue eyes were now golden and he was more handsome than ever.

"Well, thank you, Einstein!" I screamed radiating anger.Then I saw it.

"YOU MARKED HER?!?!?!?!" I shrieked, heartbroken. "Why?"

He faced me and walked towards me. Every step he took, I took a step back, mirroring his actions.

"Please," I observed his actions as he hesitated. "I didn't think I had two mates you have to understand-." The witch cut him off, yeah thats what I'm calling her now. Deal with it, I have anger management issues. What can I say, I'm the devils spawn. Pun intended.

"You don't  have to explain anything to her, she's a bitch she's trying to steal you from me babe. And I won't have you being stolen from me when I only just got you!" She yelled in that high pitched annoying tone of hers.I felt myself fill with rage and hatrid.

"Oh no, you really shouldn't have said that Stacie." Poison pointed out, how nice of him.

I laughed mischieviously, she had no idea. I slowly walked towards her while she stood her ground, then got so close I could feel her chocolate breath on my chin.

"You think I'm a bitch, well at least we have something in common," Poison laughed with me."You think you're so much better than everyone, well do you know who that man over there is?" I pointed to my father. "Do you know who I am?"   "Do you know what you have just witnessed?"  I pointed at myself and devil Jason.

I stared her down taking a step back and placing my hands on my hips expectantly, "Well, what are you waiting for. Tell me?"

Nothing, just as I had suspected. "Well, let me answer a few of those little questions for you," I spoke. "That man over there, his name is Lucifer, he is Satan." She gasped and ran over to bow before him, a sign of respect that was taught from young ages.

"I am his daughter, Velenosa Dark and that is my brother Poison Dark, we are also devils." I nodded my head to him. "You have just witnessed your 'mate' turn into a devil which I have just made him into. And me transform into a female devil" 

Now all I had to do was tell her, her bad news.  "Now, you see I may have left something out. Once a devil turns their mate into a devil, male devils can only impregnate female devils and only devil descendants can turn ohers into to devils but solely their mate. He has some devil blood firing up inside him whice I ignited to make a full on devil but since he is not a descendant but still a devil he can't impregnate you, even if you did meet before I turned him and he cannnot turn you into one either so I guess your stuck, Stace. What ya gonna do now?" With that I turned on my heel, winked to Jason and grabbed my two best friends, turning back into my normal self as we went off to class.

Once school finished one of the twins went home leaving me alone with Carlita.

"What am I gonna do?" I asked desperately. Despite the fact that I had totally ruined their future, today at lunch, they were all lovey dovey with eachother and I just had to sit there and dwell in jelousy as I watched him and her snogging all over the place.

"I can't believe it, they must love each other so much, they'll even adopt." Ah sweet Carlita always good at consoling-note heavy sarcasm.

"Not helping, Carla."


Ahhhhh sozzy its sooo short, i didnt realize till this morning and was like "i spent ages thinking of what to do with this chappie and then its 1 page?!?!?!WTF?!?!?" and then I look towards my bedroom door and my cousins are there looking at me like I lost my mind.


Talk about embaressing...Anyway what do you guyz think is gonna happen next????
















stella xoxo

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