Sweet Revenge

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Okay,so this is dedicated to the lovely ButterflyLove3 for being extremely supportive. Love ya!!!



Velenosa POV

I wish this were one of those moments, where you can ignore your surroundings and just get on with your life, but no. I'm in chemistry and guess who sat behind me...Him and her, I would be okay if they were just sitting normally behind me but no, they're making out and you know I really hate the fact they're so loved up and can't even help themselves.

I'm done with this; I got up and picked up my leather bag. Walking past the teacher a hand shot out and blocked my path.

"What?!" I snapped.

"Where do you think you're going, Miss Dark?" Oh, so the cocky new teacher, thinks he's boss, huh?

"To my father," I replied casually and started walking again but the hand now caught my arm.

"I'm sure your father can wait, now back to your seat, Dark." Mr Lancer spoke sternly.

I leant in and whispered in his ear, "Are you human?" As if it were a normal question to just bluntly ask.

"N-no," Yeah, he stuttered, I have the breath taking effect on men.

"What are you, then?" I queried.

"Uh I'm-I'm a," He loosened his collar.

"A werewolf, I can smell you a mile away, John." Calling him by his first name .I ran my finger down his hard chest. "I'm the daughter of the man who pays your checks," I walked away. Turning my head over my shoulder I called back. "So, don't push it." And left.


"But dad!" I whined.

“No Velenosa. You are to go to this meeting or I will ban you from powers for a week!” He argued.

“But this means Jason will be there with Stacie and I’ve had it up to my eyeballs with them two.” I was so not getting out of this no matter what.

“Tough, Vela. You have to go. End of story.” And just like that he walked away leaving me alone to suffer the consequences of trying to seduce a teacher.

“And that, folks, is why not to seduce a teacher.” Poison snickered as he walked into the room, he had obviously been eavesdropping.

“Ha ha ha , very funny.  But its true he asked for it!” I pulled the puppy dog face, no one can resist that.

“Yeah, sure. Whatever you say, Vela.”He smirked.


“Mum, this is seriously unfair.” I stomped my feet whilst, mum and Poison just laughed. We we're currently upstairs in my bedroom, far away from the meeting downstairs. Jason and Stacie were being all cutesy and stuff and I couldn't take one more minute of it.

"Come on, Vela. Dad's gonna announce it now, and once Jason's dad hears that you're his mate, he'll be ecstatic. We all know they have money problems and we're the richest family in the world, are we not?" Poison spoke.

"Yes," I mumbled, looking to the floor.

"Well, then. We all know how Rodger is around money. He would sacrifice anything and die for it. He will nag his son so much that he can't handle it anymore. Plus dad said to me this morning that there may be a way break their mating bond," He added.

"Really?" I looked up exitedly.

"Yes but-" He was cut off by mum.

"Velenosa, how far would you be willing to go?" She asked.

"The furthest," I responded, sincerity in my eyes.

"As you wish, darling" Mum said.


"And now onto more important matters," Dad spoke. "As you may or may not know my daughter," Shit he saw us. "Ah, Velenosa, sweetheart, come here a moment would you?"

"Yes Father," Formalities were needed at meetings.

He clutched my hand. "As I was saying, my beautiful, beloved, darling daughter; has finally found the one." Murmers arose in the theatre. "Yes you heard me, and you'll be pleased to hear that he's a werewolf too."

"Who's the guy who won the jackpot?" Alpha Morgan spoke up. An arrogant, cocky, jerk alpha I dated a year ago.

"Boy stand up," My dad ordered to no one but stubborn Jason here, refused. "Fine as you wish. The boy's name is Jason Baker."

Jason's dad, Rodger, fell to his knees and kissed the marble floor. "Thank you, sir!" My dad chuckled at the father's blindness to the fact, Jason had his rather muscular arm draped around Stacie's shoulder. Everyone gasped at the realization.

"But my, my,  your boy stupid foolishness has gained  him no praise .No, your boy should be pitied for his blindness, as should the girl he mated with." Father smirked as Rodger fell to the floor. Again. "And, someone should pay for his foolishness,should they not?"A chorus of 'Yes's echoed beyond the ceiling. "Who should those people be, Vela?"

"His parents." I stood with my head high, I'd hit a nerve and this time it was Jason's turn to fall to the floor. "We will show no mercy,"

"He'll still be alpha though," A rather stupid witch spoke up. Stacie.

"Oh, thank you Stacie for oh, so kindly reminding me of that. Daddy do the honors," I nonchalantly passed the duty to my father.

" No you do it Vela," He spoke sternly.

"Fine," I smirked. "Jason Baker, I Velenosa Dark, daughter of the almighty Lucifer," I bowed to my father. "Officially deny you of your alpha duties." His father broke down, as he was no longer alpha either. "And as for you," I looked and pointed to Stacie. "Stacie Holloway, I officially ban you from your rightful sorcery, FOREVER!" I bellowed.

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