Chapter 12: Why Did I Do That?

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The old dragon arena is dark, the chains laced over the top rattling in the breeze. I've gathered enough weapons for all of my friends in the centre of the arena; axes, swords, and I managed to snag Hiccup's dragon blade. Hopefully he won't be too mad at me if he finds it missing.

I focus, holding my necklace out over the pile as I close my eyes. Nightstar snorts as she keeps watch nearby, her wings flapping once anxiously. Slowly, my gem starts to glow. I focus harder, putting all my thoughts of magic and my village towards the stone.

Wisps of magic leave the stone and curl downwards, one tiny strand per weapon. I watch as the magic enters the weapons through the handles, causing soft glows to light up everything. The glow dies down after a moment, leaving the weapons looking a little shinier. I can't help but grin as I look up at Nightstar.

"First thing tomorrow, we start training," I say.


"If you train hard enough, build up more muscle, and train with the enchanted weapons, I'm sure I could help you become slayers," I say, striding to the centre of the training arena.

Tuffnut yawns, causing a few yawns to ripple out from Snotlout, Fishlegs, and Ruffnut. Astrid watches me with a raised eyebrow, arms crossed over her chest. Hiccup looks genuinely interested, along with Eret.

I've got exhaustion, skepticism, and interest. Hooray for me.

"First off, sorry for waking you so rudely," I say. "Second, can all of you please take your weapon from the pile over there?" I point to the pile of said enchanted weapons that I worked on yesterday.

"Hey! That's where my blade went!" Hiccup gasps, running over to the pile.

He grasps the blade and lifts it, but he almost strains trying to do it. He walks back to the group, but sets the weapon down as soon as he's back in place. Noticing our confused looks, he lets a sheepish smile flicker across his face.

"'s heavier than I remember," he says.

"Seriously? No way," Astrid insists. "Let me try."

She too heads to the pile and grasps her axe, and just like Hiccup, she struggles to carry it. Everyone else gets theirs dragged over to the spot they need, all of them starting to look wiped.

I walk over to Hiccup, kneeling down and grasping his weapon. I lift it, finding that it's no heavier than before I enchanted it. He watches me as I frown, the gears in my head starting to turn.

I come up with a possible solution within a minute or so. "Those clever bastards..." I mutter.

"Pardon?" Eret asks.

I look up at him. "Well, I enchanted your weapons. I assumed that if you had your own slayer weapon, you could become slayers," I explain. "Unfortunately, seems like my fellow Hermaōr Vikings didn't just wield magic...they're the only ones who can."

"This is like Thor's hammer all over again. Only the worthy can lift it..." Fishlegs grumbles. He pauses before giggling. "Thor? Thora? Hehe, what a coincidence."

"Good one," the twins snicker.

I roll my eyes. "It's a theory. For now, I want all of you to do some laps. Let's start building some muscle!" I clap my hands sharply and point. "GO!"


After a long training period, everyone heads home. The four Night Furies meet Hiccup and I outside the arena. As I scratch their necks, Hiccup sighs, rolling his shoulders.

"Thora?" he asks, earning a nod from me in response. "That was amazing. How are you figuring all this stuff out?"

I shrug, fiddling with the tip of my braid. "It's just coming to me...naturally, I guess. My mom did say I possessed the ability."

"Either way, it's exciting. I think we've got potential."

I smile at him. "Thanks Hiccup."

He steps a little closer to me and wraps an arm around my waist, tentative of my injury.

"You're an amazing Viking, Thora, and you just become even more amazing as the days pass," he murmurs.

I look up at him, aware of the redness in my cheeks. I pivot my body so that I'm facing him, leaning up and leaving a gentle kiss on his lips that lasts for maybe a second. He leans forwards as I break away, as if trying to keep us connected for a little longer.

We stare at one another for a second before I clear my throat, wishing my face would stop being so red.

"Uh...sorry, I just..." I stop again, making my blush grow deeper. "I'll see you tomorrow, Hiccup."

I whistle to Nightstar, Emerald following after her. Hiccup doesn't say a word, a tiny smile on his lips as he waves goodbye. I climb on my Night Fury and take off for home, wondering just what urged me to kiss him like that.

Hopefully, some sleep will help.

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