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*Millions of Years Ago*

Unknown Female P.O.V.

I stood there, staring out into the darkness. The night was cold from the ice storms that had plagued this area for the past week. It was calm at the moment, though. The ice sparkled beautifully under the full moon. This was the final night l would see it like this. I still don't regret my decision to come here. After all, what was about to transpire would be the only way to get back home safely. My partner appeared on my left. He sighed in resignation, looking out at the calm weather. "The calm before the storm..." he mumbled under his breath. "No better way to start our new and hard life."

"Well, if you ever want to get back home," I responded sadly, "this is the only way..."

I looked over at my partner. His sad eyes caused me to pat his arm. "Don't worry," I said softly. "One day we will be freed from our burden. And when that day comes..."

"We will finally rest," he said, smiling at me. I saw a small light flicker in his eyes. I felt the small amount of hope that was filling his very being. "Maybe then you will see me as I once was..."

"It is time, my friends," said a soft voice behind me. I turned and looked at the being who would change our lives forever. We called them master creator because they had no name or gender, and had created our talismans. They had also planned a way for us to get back home and to help others through a magic spell. The last part of the spell was to be done that very night.

We quickly followed them to the preparation room where my friends waited for us. Even before we met each other and became a team, each of us wore disguises so no one could track us. We didn't even know each other's identities. That was important in case one of us became corrupt. Still, we all made our way to the ceremonial grounds together, never talking. The reality of the situation finally hit me as the others went first. One by one, the spell was placed, putting each of my friends into a dreamless slumber that would last for five years. Finally, it was my partner's turn. He turned towards me and whispered one last thing before he disappeared from my sight. "No matter what happens, I know I will see you again..."

Never had anything hit me so hard in the heart. Tears flowed as I waited for my turn. What I never expected was for Master Creator to appear in front of me. "You are a special one, my friend," they said. "Your spell must be different from the other's. Come, we need to head to the far side of the ridge on the other side of the ceremonial ground."

Confused by what they said, I followed Master Creator to the far side of the ridge. What I saw made me gasp. A field covered in snow stretched before of me. The moon made the entire place feel mystical. All of a sudden, I noticed a small lake frozen in the center. Slowly, I waded through the snow towards the glass-like surface of the lake. Leaning forward, my fingers brushed the surface. What happened next can only be called miraculous.

The lake melted where my hand had touched and a lilly appeared, floating delicately in the water. Surprised, I stumbled back. What surprised me more was what had happened beneath my very feet. The snow had melt, following all the way back to where Master Creator stood, where I had stood a few seconds before. Fear coursed through my veins until I saw the flowers. The snow had disappeared from the valley, replaced by beautiful, colorful flowers and soft green grass. The lake was no longer covered by ice, but had beautiful white lilies on emerald-green Lily pads. I just stared in unbelief. "What the..."

"My dear friend," Master Creator said walking towards me. "You came to me in hopes of getting home without change, but you didn't know of the consequences that came with you. You know of the prophecy about undoing the spell placed on your friends, but you can never be in the spell with them."

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