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"Here we are with some shocking news. Today at about 4pm in the city of Paris, our superheroes' have been defeated by Hawkmoth. Civilians claim to have seen the superheroes' identities with their very own eyes. They are all high school students, including model Adrien Agreste and our Mayor's daughter, Chloe Bourgeois..."

Mayor Andre Bourgeois shuddered at the sound of his daughter's name as he sat in front of his gigantic TV set. When Hawkmoth attacked, he rushed to warn Chloe only to find her room empty. When he found out she was actually Queen Bee, there was a rush of pride and disbelief followed by worry. She hasn't been home since then and he couldn't sleep. He nervously bounced his leg up and down. No position or wealth mattered more than his daughter.

Suddenly, someone turned off the TV. Andre turned around and gasped.

"I hate to interrupt, mister Mayor." Chat said, putting down the remote on the coffee table, "But we need your help."

"Daddy!" Queen Bee cried, throwing her arms around her father.

"Oh Chloe you had me worried sick!" Andre exclaimed, then he looked at the other superheroes. "What are you all doing here? You all should go home, your families..."

"We can't." Carapace said, shaking his head, "Hawkmoth knows who we are, we can't let him find us."

"I..." Andre let go of Queen bee and scratched the back of his head, "Sorry. I'm still in shock." He smiled a bit. "Then... what can I do to help?"

Marinette stepped out from behind Rena.


Not anymore Marinette thought. "Hawkmoth is stronger now. He took my miraculous. I can't explain all the details, but we were wondering if we can borrow one of your private jets. We need to go to Hong Kong and San Francisco to retrieve something."

Andre hesitated.

"Oh daddy please." Queen Bee pleaded.

"I'm just worried about you guys going alone..."

"We've been fighting akumas for years, sir." Rena said proudly, "We can handle it."

There was a sudden knock on the double doors. Andre called for no disturbance.

"Alright. Alright." Andre sighed, "Anything for the superheroes of Paris. When do you guys need it?"

"As soon as possible." Chat said, "Thank you. Don't tell anyone about this."

"You have my word."

Two hours later, the team, along with their kwamis, climbed aboard the Bourgeois private jet. It was very comfy, high class, with white leather seats and movies to watch.

Nino quickly took the seat next to Alya, slipping an arm around her shoulder. Alya smirked. Marinette sat opposite the two. This left Adrien in a tricky situation. He wanted to sit next to Marinette, but he knew it would be awkward.

"Hey Adrien!" Chloe called, gesturing him to follow her, "If you want, we can sit next to the pilot. See how the plane works."

"I..." Adrien glanced at Marinette, who looked out the small window, looking a bit upset still.

Chloe saw him hesitate. It was no secret that Cat Noir loved Ladybug. She smiled slightly.

"Go sit with her if you want." Chloe said, "You can come over any time."

Adrien raised his eyebrows at her words. "Um... thanks."

Chloe made her way to the front of the plane. Knowing that the people she looked up to the most were her classmates made her feel different. Sure, she's gonna be third wheeling the whole time, but she realised that it didn't really bother her as much as it usually would.

Alya stared at her best friend for a while, then whispered to Nino. Nino shrugged and nodded.

"Hey girl." Alya said cheerfully, grabbing Marinette by the arm, "Wanna sit with me over there? The boys can take care of themselves here."

"Oh. Sure." Marinette replied, a touch surprised as she let her best friend drag her to the other side of the aisle.

Adrien decided to take a seat next to Nino.

"You seem nervous, dude." Nino noted.

"I guess I am." Adrien smiled, "My father is probably ripping the house apart."

And I want to talk to Marinette.

"No worries. This will hopefully be over soon. You have a movie in mind?"

Meanwhile, at the other side of the jet.

"Marinette. What's wrong?" Alya asked as they settled into their seats.

Marinette voice wavered. "Adrien. All this time, it was him. Adrien was my partner and..." She drifted off, a lost of words. Her face crunched up and downcast.

"Marinette cheer up!" Alya said, shaking her head and chuckling, "Aren't you glad it's Adrien?"

You don't understand, do you? Marinette sighed. Seeing that her best friend wasn't even aware that she was upset, Marinette decided not to say any more about it.

The small plane started jolting up and down, slowly gaining speed as it zoomed down the runway. Nino's stomach did a small summersault when the plane flew up into the air. "Woah." He peered out the small window and saw the mayor waving. Nino waved back, knowing he was too far in the sky to be seen.

The kwamis were at the back of the plane, also huddled around the window, chattering amongst themselves.

"I can't believe we're going out of Paris!" Pollen said excitedly.

Plagg faked a yawn, "Its not like we've never been out of Paris, buzzboi." Pollen shot him a I-told-you-to-stop-calling-me-that look. Plagg grinned cheekily in response.

"Speak for yourself, Plagg." Trixx rolled her eyes, "I've been stuck in a box for years."

A few hours passed. It was getting dark outside. The lights dimmed accordingly and all of the heroes fell asleep, except two.

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