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Nathalie sighed heavily. The job was easier said then done. She stood away from the red and black themed cage that her Lucky Charm had provided, away from the guilt she felt, threatening Adrien and kidnapping his friends.

Why did I even sign up for this?

Remorse was eating her up and she bit her bottom lip, trying to look emotionless. The suit felt odd around her body. Something about it felt wrong. She didn't deserve to wear it. Nathalie (aka Ladybug) moved her fingers, as if she was feeling the weight of the crime she had committed. She had scared off the paparazzi and the special forces, but she didn't feel at all proud. It's been ten minutes. She was terrified that Cat Noir won't show up.

A purple mask appeared on her face. "You shouldn't have used your Lucky Charm." Hawkmoth said stiffly, "You'll detransform very soon."

Ladybug huffed. "Gimmie a break. It's my first time. And where the heck am I supposed to find a cage as big as that?"

Hawkmoth shrugged. "The zoo?"

"Get out of my head." Ladybug said.

"Fine. Just get Cat Noir's miraculous, but don't hurt him." and he left her alone.

Ladybug approached the cage and gave the students her deadliest glare. "I'll be back and I don't expect any funny business."

Mylene was shaking, clutching onto Ivan.

Kim glared back at her. "Leave us alone, for god's sake!"

"Especially Adrien." Max added, "Wait till you get a hold of what they'll do to you!"

Ladybug couldn't take it no more. "It's not my bloody fault that I'm here!" She snapped.

Ladybug stormed out like a toddler throwing a tantrum, fists clenched tight. She swung her yo-yo and transported herself onto a rooftop where she ducked behind a large air vent.

"Spots off..."

The same red creature appeared when Nathalie first put on the earrings. Nathalie dug into her pocket and fished out a piece packaged fruit.

"Eat it. Hurry." She urged.

Tikki stubbornly crosses her arms and shook her little head.

"C'mon, we don't have much time till Cat Noir arrives."

Tikki snickered. "Do you seriously think I'll help you take Cat Noir's Miraculous just like that?"

"I didn't think of it much." Nathalie admitted, "But I thought kwamis have to listen to their holders."

"We do." Tikki said.

"Then why-"

"Because," Tikki cut her off, "that only works when the holder wants the kwami to fully oblige. Which tells me that you're having doubts about your actions and motives."

Nathalie groaned. She looked at Tikki, feeling helpless.

"Why are you doing this?" Tikki asked, sincerity in her small voice.

Nathalie stared for a moment, then removed the clip in her hair and snapped it. A purple butterfly escaped. She knew he would be watching her every move if she didn't get rid of it.

"I want to help Adrien." Nathalie said.

"I'm confused." Tikki said, "I understand that you're Adrien's father's assistant. But how is capturing his friends and threatening his life helping him?"

Nathalie realized that she had transformed into Ladybug as soon as she put on the earrings, so the kwami didn't see who Hawkmoth is. She felt a touch relieved, but she was still in a very sticky situation. She didn't know who's side she was on anymore.

"It's none of your business, bug." Nathalie said coldly, "Now eat, or I'll take the earrings off and throw them into the ocean."

Tikki, frightened at Nathalie's sudden change of tone, ate the piece of fruit. "By the way, it's Tikki." She said, before Nathalie transformed.

Ladybug showed up just in time.

Carapace was busy trying to hack open the cage lock with his shield when he heard a voice. The heroes turned around sharply.

"You're not going to be able to save them if I don't get my precious Miraculous." Ladybug called in a sing-song way, landing on top of the cage.

"Let them go!" Rena shouted, "They have nothing to do with this."

"Then tell the kitty to hand over his Miraculous."

Chat gripped his baton, his face twisted in a scowl. "Over my dead body!"

Ladybug started approaching them, and they slowly inched backwards.

"Remember guys," Queen Bee whispered, "all we need to do is to break the cage, get our classmates to safety, and leave as soon as possible."

Chat licked his lips. "Got you." He whispered back, then yelled, "Hey Ladybug! You want me? Come get me!"

Him and Rena ran ahead, onto the rooftops and made sure Ladybug was close behind. Carapace and Queen Bee hid in an ally and went back to the cage when Ladybug wasn't looking.

"You try opening it." Queen Bee said to him, "I'll cover you."

"Thanks, Queen Bee." Carapace smiled, then he turned to the lock again.

"Nino, my man!" Alix cried, "Can you bust us out?"

Carapace hit the lock over and over again. "I'm trying." He grunted.

"It's amazing!" Rose squeaked, frightened but filled with excitement, "I can't believe the heroes of Paris are actually in our class!"

"Now's not the time, Rose." Juleka said gently, placing her hand on the blonde's head.

With one final blow, the lock cracked open and Queen Bee congratulated Carapace. She pulled open the door, then offered her hand to Sabrina.

"We'll help take you guys to a safer place."

Sabrina looked stunned for a second. Chloe? Help?

"I know. I know." Queen Bee smirked, "I can be surprising nice sometimes, okay?"


One by one, Carapace and Queen Bee brought their friends to the nearest police station, where they made sure they'll be protected. Meanwhile, Chat and Rena were having a hard time keeping up with Ladybug. All three of them had second thoughts of using their super powers, afraid that their time would run out too early.

Ladybug repeatedly swung her yo-yo at Rena. "I can do this all day, fox."

"Bring it on." Rena taunted.

Suddenly, her weapon beeped, indicating that her classmates have been freed by Carapace and Queen Bee. The sound distracted her and Ladybug managed to wrap her up with her yo-yo. Chat threw himself at her, baton ready. Ladybug quickly intercepted, giving Chat a powerful shove which sent him tumbling off the edge of the roof.

Chat lost his balance and was surprised when he realized he wasn't falling. He turned his head around and saw Ladybug clutching onto his tail and pulling him back to safety.

What is she doing? Why is she saving me?

Just then, a purple butterfly came fluttering near. It appeared to be after Ladybug.

"Ugh, go away!" Ladybug shooed it away, letting go of Rena.

Chat was very confused.

Isn't she allied with Hawkmoth?


Hello. I've been busy with school, so I'm sorry this took a tiny bit longer than usual. Lots of love for whoever's still reading <3 <3 <3

Bug out!

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