Problem #66

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For trans, and people of different pronouns, this is for you!

Pronouns. We use them everyday. She, her, he, him, they, them, it. It's how we identify ourselves, and how other identify us. But there are people who don't use the same pronoun as their biological sex. And I know many people of this book can relate to that.

Me personally, I cannot. I'm a pretty feminine female, and I always have, and I feel like I always will. But I do respect anyone, regardless of sex, gender, or pronoun.

And honestly, just tell me your pronouns, and i will respect you, and use the right pronoun. As a matter of fact, comment your pronouns and why you made this choice. It's a judge free, care free zone so go ahead! None of us will judge! We all love you!

Something I don't wish to have in this community is drama. And honestly, some people lose their shit when they are called the wrong pronoun. Why?

I understand that it's a sensitive subject for those people, like I would be a little upset if someone called me "him" every time I saw them. I can understand where the drama would come from.

But does this drama come from both sides of the story? To me, yes.

For starters, people losing their shit, please calm down. It's honestly probably an honest mistake, and even so, it's a mistake that can be fixed easily. Just say "hey I would prefer if you called me by *insert preferred pronoun* instead of *insert actual pronoun*" I would understand if you would want to lose everything but, this, in a way, should be handled like adults. Be the upper person, be the mature person. I know you all are capable of so much, and are probably already the upper person. But please maybe keep this in mind if one does call you s wrong pronoun. And make sure, it was a mistake on their part, or an accident. And if not, make sure you tell them, if you can!

And for the people who are the subjects of the shit losing. Just chill. Don't be so upset, or angry, if they lose their shit. This is a sensitive subject for some. And you complaining about people doing this, I mean, they honestly do have a valid reason. But you getting angered only adds more fuel to the fire. You can piss off more people then you think. And just tbh, just respect people. Regardless of pronouns.

And to both sides of the story! Make sure you apologize. Clarify things, and make this a chill subject. This is a honest mistake that can easily be fixed.

Because honestly, if we all chilled down, and relaxed, the world would be a better place, and there would be no need for such drama. Because honestly, people do not deserve to be treated differently based on their pronoun, and people who believe that, they should open up their mind half as much as the open their mouth. Then the world would be better.

Because honestly, don't we all want that? A free, fair, peaceful world. No matter gender, sex, pronoun, sexuality.

And people of pronouns, I know I don't give equal representation in this books sometimes, but please know, you all are always very present in my mind and the community. I will try and represent y'all more, because we're all equal no matter what.

I love you, and continue to stay strong!


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