Sexual Assult

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So for last that's nine months I was in a relationship with a guy. He seemed genuine and I didn't know what would happen to me dying that relationship. I was abused, manipulated, and sexually assaulted. I recently found out he sexually assaulted another girl before me. She was 14 and he was 18. And I was 15 and 16, and he was 18 and 19.

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I posted that on my insta and snap story

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I posted that on my insta and snap story. But the reason I brought this up here is because abuse and sexual assault isn't just limited to the straight community. If your with someone, and you at all slightly uncomfortable with anything sexual. Don't fail to communicate that with them. And make sure they ask for your consent. You may think that it's all fine, if your doing stuff  like that, but just always be careful. It wasn't until after the breakup I realized that what he did was sexual assault. And I'm so so sorry if anyone in your life has treated you like that.  If you have anything you need to talk about, sexual assault experiences, or abuse, don't hesitate to reach out to me. I'll help. I'm trying to spread awareness about these subjects. I'll post a chapter soon about red flags and and such. But if you have anything likethis, please reach out. I promise your not alone.

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