Chapter 24

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8 missed calls from 'My Idol'
15 texts from 'My Idol'


"Oh Yugyeom thank god! Are you at the orphanage?"

"Yes Hyung, don't you have a shoot today? It's November 6th right?"

"It's November 8th..."

"Oh. Well I need to head out to make sure Jungkook isn't distracting Tae then I need to go shopping for the kids, then I have to go to the Hospital to see noona and Hyunwoo."


"Yes Jinyoung?"

"I'm going on Tour tomorrow."


2 missed calls from 'My Gyeommie'
3 texts from 'My Gyeommie'


"Hyung! How's your tour? I just watched the last one you did in Singapore."

"It's busy... I actually have to go. The guys say hello!"

"Ah. Bye Hyung, I uh, I miss you."

"I miss you too. Bye Yugyeom."

This went on for three months, we both missed our openings to talk, to FaceTime. God I haven't seen my idol boyfriend in almost four months because I was so busy.

I still stay up late watching all the shows I missed before going to sleep. Then I get up at 5:30 am, make breakfast for the kids, send them to school, then head to work. I then visit the hospital to check on noona and hyunwoo.

When I get home I cook them all dinner, help give the little ones baths, read bedtime stories and then finally go clean up the mess in the play room before heading to my bedroom I used to share with Marie noona and then watch the shows before falling asleep around 2 am.

That was until I visited the hospital today.

"Welcome back Yugyeom!" One of the nurses greeted me and I smiled before signing in and heading to Noonas room.

When I got there, her nurse Jihoon was just leaving. He gave me a small smile before softly closing the door behind him.

I brushed the fallen hairs from her face and smiled, she was getting better look wise, her skin was now more flushed with color and her bruises were almost gone.

"Hi noona. I miss you. Everyone misses you. Jinyoung and I haven't spoken in a week and I really miss him. I got over my anger towards Hyunwoo Hyung. I hope he gets better, his members seem stressed." I softly told her, before bidding her goodbye and heading to Hyunwoos room.

Once I reached the VIP level I walked to A34 and knocked on the door. I was expecting Namwoo to open the door, but I was wrong. The kid who was friends with Jungkook opened the door.

"Wait what?" Was all I said before he giggled, which seemed to suit him more than his muscles did. "I never knew I'd see you again! Yeah I'm an idol too. Part of Monsta X. Are you here for Hyunwoo?"

I nodded shyly as he let me pass through to see him. "Oh he just woke up by the way thats why I'm here." I whipped my head to look at Wonho before turning back to a slightly drowsy Hyunwoo.

Hyunwoo is awake.

The man with my noona is awake.

"You're Yugyeom right? Marie wouldn't stop talking about you during the drive. I'm so sorry for what I've done to you."

I know it's short. I apologize, I'll try and update later today since I have online school now.

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