Chapter 29

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FUCKING THIRTY CHAPTERS?! MAN HOW LONG AM I GONNA WRITE THIS (excuse me I'm sleep deprived/ half awake.)

"Hey noona, I brought Jinyoung and Kihyun Hyung with me today." I smiled down at her peacefully sleeping frame and moved some hair from her face.

Jinyoung moved to stand by where I was sitting next to the bed and put a hand on my shoulder. I put my right hand on top of his and gently smiled up at him.

"God, you two look like a married couple it's so cute." I blushed as Jinyoung simply smirked at Kihyun hyungs comment. "W-Whatever Hyung."

Jinyoung squeezes my shoulder as he tried to hold back his grin. I was about to snap at him when Kihyun snapped his fingers. "Shouldn't you be getting back to the kids? Everything was fine while I was there but I've been gone for almost an hour now."

I widened my eyes and stood up for the chair, making the plastic legs make a horrible screeching noise. Though I paid little mind as I rushed to the elevator, my anxiety kicking in.

I don't care if their my friends and that they are idols, if they hurt my kids or my house I'll kill them.

Jinyoung seemed to understand my worry as he just grabbed my shaking hands, slowly brought them to his lips and kissed each knuckle.

"The kids will be fine, and the elevator is here." I nodded, a bit confused how he caught up, but stepped in the elevator and pressed the lobby button.

Turning to my boyfriend, I frowned and furrowed my brows. "How are you so calm about this? You and I aren't there to make sure nothing bad goes wrong!"

It was Jinyoungs turn to furrow his brows as he pointed to himself. "Why am I included?" I awkwardly chuckled and scratched my nape, looking down at the metal floor.

"W-Well your fans call you the mom of the group and stuff and yeah." My face burned,but thankfully Th elevator dinged and the doors slid open. We quickly got off and avoided a few frantic nurses sprinting down the hallways before finally making it to the parking garage.

"Where's your car?" I asked Jinyoung, he simply held up the key and clicked a button. The car right in front of me turned on startling me. "Woah, you're a sly one babe."

I surprised myself by saying that but didn't dwell on it as Jinyoung seemed pleased with the nickname. He even kissed my cheek on the way over to the drivers side.

As he pulled out from the parking space, I kept repeating "please be in one piece" over and over again.

It got to the point where when we stopped at a red light my knees wouldn't stop bouncing. I heard Jinyoung huff followed my a click and then my face was grabbed and lips were firmly pressed onto mine.

I instantly closed my eyes and let him take me to a calmer far away place, his lips like a drug. Though it was cut short by a honk from the car behind us.

Groaning again, Jinyoung sat back in his seat and drove, letting the person pass with a muddle finger pointed at us. I reached over and clipped his seatbelt back in place and gently kissed his cheek, letting it linger there as I said "thank you, that helped a lot."

He turned to peck me before focusing back on the road. I sat back in my seat and looked out at the city. I felt Jinyoung take my hand in his and squeeze it reassuringly.

"I'll always be here to help you Gyeommie. Always."

Cool, I have no idea what I wrote but it says 600+ words so don't blame sleepy me.

Love you all~!

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