Chapter 26

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Yo. Are my readers and commenters alive or is my content that shitty? Cause if it is someone tell me so I can fix it! I love seeing you guys react so please don't be silent!

The day of the accident

"If you harm her I'll castrate you. Leader or not, you hear me Hyunwoo?" I nodded and pulled on my overcoat, letting Kihyun angrily rant behind me as I made sure I had the keys, my license and a mask.

"Kihyun-ssi I will be back with you're bestfriend in twenty minutes. Calm your over bearing butt and make sure Changkyun isn't trying to smother Hyungwon." I heard the younger huff behind me and I let a small smile slip as I opened the dorm doors and slipped out, heading to the parking garage.

Quickly sliding in the managers main car I slowly drove down the parking garage floors, pausing at the bottom to pull up my mask and hood, while also getting directions to the orphanage.

"Make a left in 4.3 miles" the computer voiced out and I nodded to myself, humming our song Shoot Out as I followed the directions.

Finally pulling up, I honked the car twice, watching as a fairly short woman, her long black hair in a high ponytail, wearing tight black jeans and a light great slightly flowy shirt and a black leather jacket overcoat, black high heels clicking as she practically sprinted towards the car.

Woman are very talented with balance and nobody can tell me otherwise.

She pulled open the car and slid in, grinning a breathtaking smile and sticking out her hand. "Hi! You must be Hyunwoo? I'm Marie, but just call me MiMi or Rae." I shook her small hand and nodded. "Okay Rae, I warm you, the boys will likely swarm you." She giggled and nodded, pulling out her phone.

I heard the noise of a message being sent and have her a slightly confused look. "Oh," she rested a hand on my forearm as if it was normal. "If you see me on my phone I'm just talking to Yugyeom, he's basically the second owner. Don't think I'm ignoring you! Just making sure Jinyoung doesn't get in his pants just yet."

I choked, leaning into the steeringwheel while sideyeing the oddly content woman. "Well nobody told me how blunt you were." I muttered lightly, warning a light slap before a gasp.

"Am I being too touchy? I apologize I'm just used to being able to do skinship is all! If you feel uncomfortable just tell me Hyunwoo-ah!" I nodded and turned on the right turn signal following the map guide.

"So have you missed Kihyun-ssi? He won't stop talking about your guys' hisghchool days!" Marie grinned before launching into telling me about how shy and awkward Kihyun was as a student and how he's changed since debuting.

I got caught up in the story I didn't see the light turn yellow. "Oh Hyunwoo watch the light!" I looked up and immediately slowed down, but wasn't fast enough to stop behind the line.

Marie noona (I found out she's 2 years older than I am, Hoseok too.) just laughed and pat my shoulder. "Atleast you stopped, and not in the middle of the road. Anyway, the cars see you so don't stress! Now where wa-"

I drowned out her voice while checking sides making sure no cars were too close for my comfort. Then I saw it.

A large pickup truck swerving and speeding inbetween the cars coming past the intersection. I quickly realized it wasn't gonna stop and tried to get the car in reverse.

"Hyunwoo-ah what is-" her voice cut off as the truck made contact with her side of the car. The car flipped three times, I think, I can't remember as the glass shards broke and imbedded into our skin and our screaming overpowered the highway noise.

When the airbags went off I see noonas head slam back into the headrest, we rolled over one more time, landing on her side.

Coughing, I tried to unlatch my seatbelt to check on her. My brain repeating Kihyun words over and over again, but I couldn't move my arm. I looking down, I saw a large piece of the windshield in my shoulder and gagged.

"S-shit." I muttered, feeling tears cascade down my face as I lumpy looked back at the extremely pale woman, who still looked beautiful until I saw the puddle of blood and the gash on her face.

Widening my eyes I swallowed a hiccup and screamed with every ounce of my being "SOMEONE HELP MY NOONA IS DYING! HELP!"

The last thing I heard before losing consciousness due to blood loss was a mans voice shouting "Someone's alive in there! Namjoon call the medics!"

When I woke up, my managers tear stained face was looking up at me. "Hello Hyunwoo, Hoseoks coming. Do you know where you are?"

I blinked and looked around as I head a nurse shuffle in. Then as everything hit me I widened my eyes and swung my un-casted right arm and gripped my managers arm. "Is Marie okay? Is she dead?"

He grimly replied; "She's alive, but has been in a coma for 4 months, so have you. But she shows no signs of waking up, if she will at all."


(800+ words)

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