Chapter 7

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Anna's Pov

"No no please don't just get away from me!" I screamed crying trying to pry myself out of the table I was chained to.

"Anna shut up! I didn't want to have to do this, I honestly liked you but you figured out our plan with you earlier than expected. Ill have to do it now. I mean someone might be in need of an organ.." Hayes smirked grabbing a knife from the table beside him.

The knife punched into my skin on my stomach as I screamed in pain.

"Shh baby, it will hurt a little but less soon.." He smirked as my vision went blurry and my eyes finally closed.

I jumped at the thought of my dream last night, that could be what I'm here for! I could be an organ Donner!

No that's ridiculous! The worst that could happen would be he kills you first them takes out all your organs..

Argh god Anna shut up! It probably won't happen!

I really need to stop watching NCIS, Criminal Minds , CIA, CSI and stuff like that. I'm addicted to them though, they are interesting.

At the age of 4 I was watching 'Scooby Doo' While most other kids my age were scared. I guess that's where it started. I actually want to be a Crime Scene Investigator when I'm older, that's my dream job.

It was morning at this time and I was just laying here thinking about the bastard that took my life away. I mean what freak kidnaps some girl from the park!?

After 10 minutes of thinking about how I pissed him off and now I'm not going to see my real family, I decided to not use my crutches and just walk on my cast for a bit.

I then got up and went out the door. I stopped at the Top, put my hands on the rail and looked down at all the boys sitting on the couch and chairs. My eyes locked with Hayes' and he then looked back down at his iPhone.

I rolled my eyes and started walking downstairs. The boys eyes all shot from me to Hayes, probably trying to figure out what the problem was. Their eyes were still on me but Hayes's

I walked past them all and into the kitchen, I went into the cupboard and pulled out a box of cereal. I didn't give a fuck who's it was I was hungry and I live here anyway so I must be allowed... Or do I not get a say in what I do? I guess it wouldn't make much of a difference to the system that was going on now with Hayes and I...

I started hunting through the other cupboards for the bowls till I heard a familiar voice say.

"Top cupboard to the right"

I looked up to see Hayes leaning on the archway of the entrance to the kitchen.

"Thanks..." I mumbled grabbing a white bowl.

Why is everything these guys own so flash!? They are criminals, do they trade drugs or steal things then sell them? Maybe they've robbed a bank...They might sell organs, or some shit like that.

Since I had a fair idea on where the spoons were I went straight towards the drawer and picked one up. I felt his eyes on me again. I didn't make any eye contact when I sat down at the table and poured the milk in.

I took a spoon full and put it in my mouth, my stomach was almost empty so I felt glad to have some source of food in my body.

It felt awkward, him just watching me eat... I ignored it and carried on eating. After awhile he sat down opposite me and I looked up at him. He looked back but it felt like his eyes were seeing straight through mine. I looked into his a bit deeper, they were bright blue and it seemed like the way he looked into my eyes that he was saying sorry somehow...He grabbed my spare hand and put it in his, not breaking eye contact for a second. I wanted to look away so badly but it's almost like the blue in his eyes were making me feel relaxed and safe.

Chosen // Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now