Chapter 10: Our first trip together

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Lauren's POV

"Guys, you must know this!" I woke up to see Lisa opening my room door.

"Holy frick, you caused me to literally jump from my bed! Oh my gosh, Lise, why is there so much noise needed right on early morning? Be quiet, she is still sleeping!" I pointed on still sleeping Alec laying on the separated bed next to mine. Yes, I want to have her with me all day, night long but I still can't sleep right beside her because I am afraid of that if we slept together, I wouldn't control my hormones. And I don't want to push her into anything.

"Oh shoot, I had no clue that you two were still sleeping. I am sorry but I am just excited!"

"But this much? What's going on, Lise? Did Anna come back already?" I looked at still sleeping Alec and quietly left the room.

"No and that worries me. I drove through entire town the other day but couldn't find her anywhere. So, I finally got an idea how to forget about her at least for a while. I finally arranged something for what I was wishing for years."

"Don't worry about Anna, she is okay, I am sure! Okay, that sounds interesting! Can you just already tell me about what are you so excited?"

"We are finally going on a trip next to Lake Huron! Pack your stuff quickly, we are leaving tomorrow!" 

"What? Why? I am not physically and mentally prepared! Why didn't you tell me about it earlier?"

"Because I love you and I know that you love surprises! And if I told you it earlier, it wouldn't be a surprise, Ladybug."

"I flippin hate you, Lisa Michelle Cimorelli!"

"We all know that it's not true! You love me and you can't deny it!"

"Ha ha very funny, I love you but just as my sister, the only person I really love with all of me, is Alec!"

"With all of you? OMG did you two already do it together?"

"Did what?"

"Love that big that a bed is breaking, shall I continue?"

"Flip, Lisa, stop it! What are you even talking about?"

"I just wanted it to mention it to you that Alec and you will have more freedom on that trip."

"So you are pushing me to do it with her by this way?"

"No, I am just telling you. But you want to have it with her, right?"

"I really do. I- I just don't know how."

"Look, Lo. I promise that love will take control over you that time and you won't even understand how easy it is. It's okay to feel worried, everybody has their first time one day."

"Hey, guys! Why are you two up so early?"

"Morning, Alec! And ask this one beside me! She was the one who woke me up!" Alec gave me a weird look and I quickly pointed at my older sister.

"Pack your stuff, love birds! Tomorrow, we are leaving this place and going to really romantic one!" Lisa winked at us and left.

"Romantic? Trip? What does all of this mean? Babe, are you planning something for me?"

"I can't tell you. Tomorrow, you are gonna see!"

"I am so excited! I love trip and I am ever more excited because it's gonna be our first one together!"

"So happy to know that! By the way, how did you sleep, love?"

"I can just sleep well when I am next to you."

"I see how big impact I have on you, I was really surprised that Lisa didn't wake you up because of how loud she was.

"I am such a sleeper sometimes. Ugh, I am so hungry!"

"Let's go to the kitchen. What would you like to have? I want to cook something for my honey!"

"Literally anything. It's up to you, Gordon Ramsay!"

Next day...

"Guys, you are slower than snails! Move with your lazy butts or we will arrive on that place after like 100 years!" Christina yelled at us.

"Let me just breathe! I am not a robot, just a human." Dani sighed.

"Wait, Max just texted me! I must text him back as soon as possible! There is no hurry, we still have time!" Kath's eyes unsticked from phone screen for a while.

"Okay, I won't tolerate this! Get into the freaking car or you will stay here!" Christina smashed the car hooter.

"Nice, I like how you all immediately obeyed me! Being a strict boss really has advantages!"

After 5 hours...

"Guys, look, we are finally here!" Lisa shouted.

"Yeah, good to know. But it's already dark outside, we can't really do anything and I am already sleepy, so please just show me where should I go and bye!" Amy admitted and others just nodded. After Lisa showed rooms to everybody, she wittingly left us as the last ones.

"Here is your room, a romantic one, arranged just for our love birds. Have fun together!" I looked at her while raising eyebrows.

"Fingers crossed, Lo." She whispered to me and I just sticked out my tongue before closing the door behind us. Now, it is just between me and Alec.

"This place looks so cozy! I just arrived her but I already love it!" She smiled while looking through window, so I joined her and protectively wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Me too! Look, the Huron lake! We can totally go swimming or fishing tomorrow!"

"Sounds great! So what do you want to do now? I don't wanna sleep, I am not tired at all! The thought of making love popped into my head and it was driving me crazy on inside.

"Uh, I think I am just going to work on the sound of our upcoming cover!"

"Okay, don't be disturbed by me! I am gonna finish reading this book." I nodded and opened my Logic Pro X software on my Mac. But I couldn't even focus, not in her presence.

"Flippin sound, why doesn't it work?" I played on dumb in front of her.

"Hey honey, you need to calm down! You are addicted to hard work and perfection! But you still can finish it tomorrow, c'mon, you must be exhausted, take some rest!"

"I am not exhausted, I am just like really turned on. I have an idea of what we should do."

"What? What did you mean by that?"

"Shhh. You will see." I closed my notebook and with satanic smirk walked over to where was sittting my girlfriend. I gently took her hand and helped her to stand up. Then I started kissing her, slowly but passionately. I got with her to our bedroom and roughly pushed her against the wall.

"Laur, what are you doing? Don't you think that we are carrying this away?"

"I am really sorry. It's just that my hormones are extremely crazy today and you drive me crazy all the time. Wanna know the truth? I couldn't focus on my work because I couldn't focus on anything else except you."

"Same goes for me. I wanted to finally finish reading this book but I just couldn't stop staring at this perfect girl next to me..."

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