Chapter 11: Lost

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Alec's POV

I woke up to see Lauren putting something into her backpack. I was a bit surprised, since she didn't tell me about it earlier. She is a flippin teaser, good at surprising and planning things behind your back.

"Laur, are we supposed to go somewhere today?" I asked her still with sleepy voice.

"Obviously, yes and I promise that you are gonna love it! Get your clothes on, so we can go!" A seductive wink of her was made.

"But babe, I just woke up and I don't wanna go, ugh, why can't we just stay here? I miss your hugs, I wanna be in your arms again."

"Okay, you can stay here and continue your laziness but that's not useful, honey. Plus, if you refused to go there, you wouldn't get to feel my hugs for a week. Deal?"

"No, Laur, wait! I am fully awake and ready to go!"

"That's what I thought. You can't stay without me and you can't say it isn't the truth."

"Shut up!" I frowned and threw a pillow on her head, causing her to stay blind for a second and because of that, she accidentally put the bottle of water into another zip of backpack.

"You are such a rat!" She yelled at me while getting the pillow out of her head.

In the forest...

"So, that was your surprise? You exactly know what I love, how?"

"I guess that I can predict a lot of things."

"OMG Laur, it's so beautiful here. I used to go on forest walks when I was little with my mother. However, it's all gone." Tears started forming in my eyes when I remembered how mum used to harm me.

"Hey, what's wrong? Baby, please, just don't cry, I hate it!" Lauren faced me and gently kissed my forehead.

"It's just that I wasn't raised so well. I really love my mom and I wouldn't replace her with any other woman but, but she got into prison because she bullied me."

"I am so sorry to hear that. Everybody deserves a loving family. Look Alec, I know it hurts but your mom deserved this. I am sure if she ever goes out of jail, she will be more polite then and she will learn from her mistakes. After all, I got used to you that much, that I already consider you as my family. Please, smile, the sun doesn't shine if you cry. Everything will be okay." Lauren took a handkerchief from her pocket, to wipe all my flowing tears off. I finally smiled and tried to focus just on present and forget about past. 

"I am so happy when I am with you. You are the best thing that ever happened to me." I snuggled into her chest, wrapped my hands around her waist and she put hers on my back. That time there was just I and her, dead silence of forest, fresh air and smell of needles and sometimes, you could hear the calming voice of singing birds.

"I took you there because I just wanted to show you how much I appreciate you and how much I care about you. You are the most important person to me and I always wanna be with you and protect you from all bad on this world anywhere. Here, take the binoculars."

"Okay, I got it and now?"

"Look this way carefully, I am sure that they can be spotted there also now, I have been observing this place for a while now." Lauren smiled widely at me while I tried to understand what she meant by that.

"My gosh, a doe with her little one!" I almost melted from pure love and cuteness.

"You see, they are brave and tender, just like you. You just spot them once and immediately fall in love with them. After time, they will go deeper and deeper into your heart and you will realize that you can't get them out of your heart. They are just like you and I." Suddenly, Lauren took my binoculars and faced me. She came closer and put her hands on my cheeks which immediately heated up. She looked into my eyes before she started leaning in. It didn't take long and I felt the taste of her lips to which ones I am addicted since I tried in for the first time. 

"It was my first kiss in the forest, thank you for taking me here." I smiled at her and she returned it to me.

"It was finally the kiss with the right person. C'mon, let's go back, my sisters are probably already freaking out." 

On the way back home...

I was thinking about surprising Lauren and cooking something to her, when suddenly, some horn interrupted my thoughts. I jumped and looked through window to see it was Christina. She was repeating the sentence "Time to go home" like crazy. Well, that took a turn. I quickly found Lauren, listening to some music.

"Laur, babe?" I spoke to her with the quiet tone in my voice but she didn't even notice me. I came closer to her and shook her slightly.

"Geez, you scared me! What's going on?!"

"Lo, we have to pack our stuff!"

"Now, but how, why?"

"Shhh." I covered her mouth and we stayed in silence for a while.

"Christina! Oh well..." 

We packed our stuff and left our apartment to see everybody going into panic mood. Christina was still shouting like sense deprived person and Lauren's sisters were moving back and forth.

"Why is such a riot here? Can't you all just calm down! You need to chill!" Lauren yelled at them.

"I wish I could but only five minutes left till our exodus and I can't find my soap and toothbrush!" Dani was stressing out.

"And I left my sunglasses somewhere!" Lisa slapped her head.

"C'mon, guys, you can buy new ones, we can't waste our time just with these twaddles. Who want to stay here because we are leaving!" Christina started the engine of her car and we all got into it so quickly.

"Sometimes, I regret that I have these rats as my sisters. They have such a wild problems." Lauren whispered into my ear while holding my hand so.

After 2 hours of ride...

"Uh, Laur, it's so hot in here, I feel like I am dying." I tapped Lauren's shoulder and she immediately faced me. I was sweating like a dog and I was sure I even started sticking my tongue out like dogs, I hate summer and heatwaves.

"Here, baby, drink also my bottle of water. Wait, I am gonna fit out something. Christina, why didn't you turn the air-conditioning, do you want us to die from overheating or what?"

"I am sorry but it's broken! I tried to fix it but I couldn't. By the way, who can feel the heat? I feel nothing!" I looked around and all of the sisters seemed fine, I guess all of them are so hardy.

"I will think of something, I won't let you to die. Uhh, Chris?"

"What, again Lauren, for the Crist's sake?! Can't you just shut up, what's wrong with you?"

"I just need to pee, can you please stop?"

"Okay but in two minutes, you will be back or we won't wait on you!" Lauren got out of the car and somehow, I also escaped from the car without even catching attention of anybody.

"It's better now?" I nodded and she just smiled.

"Uh, can I climb and got into the back of this pickup?" I asked her because I was still so sweaty and since it was kinda hot but also windy outside, I wanted to cool down so bad.

"Okay." Lauren agreed and got back into car while I got into the back of it.

"Okay, we can go now!"

"That took you ages!" I heard Christina answering back.

I was finally feeling better but what came then, I wouldn't expect not even in my worst dream. Suddenly, I felt Christina going hard on brakes which caused me to fall out of the car (okay that was probably just one of my unrealistic thoughts LOL). I tried to stop their car by shouting and waving but they didn't even notice. Not even Lauren. "Stupid stone!" Was all I heard before they left me alone. I was glad I didn't harm myself but which was worse, I became homeless and lost the love of my life. I found myself in New Jersey state, in the Newark city. Oh nice, after this, I can die...

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