Chapter 6

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I changed into a nice dress and did my hair in slight waves. I got down stairs and helped set the table. I couldn’t help but feel this dinner would end badly. Mom came in and set food onto the table. “Let’s hope this boy of yours isn’t late. That’s always a bad sign.” My mom told me straightening out her own dress.

“Mom.” I paused. “He isn’t ‘my boy’ he’s just a friend.” My mother snorted.

“Yeah right. I saw how he looks at you.” What’s that supposed to mean? I was about to ask her when the door bell rang. “Good he is on time.” My mom exclaimed happily. My dad opened the door to reveal a very nicely dressed Harry. He was in dressed in black jeans and a white dress shirt. He held a bouquet of cream coloured flowers and a dish in the other hand.

“Welcome Harry. Come on in.” My dad greeted him. Harry stepped into our house and the door closed behind him. He looked relieved when he saw me. He handed my mother the flowers.

“I thought your family might enjoy these.” Harry told her. This is good…. This might just end well! Yay! Hope is revived!!! Harry followed us into the kitchen and he set down the plate. “I made this for dessert.” Harry told us looking down at his pie. Oh god I spoke too soon.

“Are uh are you sure it’s edible?” I asked unconvinced yet trying to be nice.

“Yeah I made a small one so I could try it.” He reassured us. Okay maybe this won’t be so bad. But guys will eat anything. Oh well just calm down Lauren everything will be fine. Why am I so worked up anyways? It’s not like he’s my boyfriend.

“Thank you Harry this is very kind.” My mom smiled putting the end. Harry and I sat beside each other with my mom across from us. “Lauren will you get William?” My mom asked obvoisly trying to hide the fact that she was mad at him for not showing himself yet. I nodded and walked up the stairs. I knocked on his door before entering. He was laying on his bed in a hoodie and loose blue jeans playing video games.

“Uh William? Why aren’t you dressed? We’re having dinner now. We’re waiting for you!” I told him. He looked at me and sighed. He quickly pulled off his hoodie and started buttoning a pin striped shirt. Mom well still be mad but he might just make it. “Come on we’re waiting.” I told him already going back down the stairs. I sat back in my seat and William sat across from me beside our mom.

“Thank you for having me Mr and Mrs. McLean.” Harry told them happily. Wow he sure was good with parents.

“Oh please it’s our pleasure.” My mother smiled brightly. My dad started passing around the food. We served ourselves and started to eat. So far so good…

“So Harry what are you planning on doing in the fall? Are you going to university like Lauren?” My dad asked curiously. Oh man we hadn’t even talked about it.

“Well I’m not sure exactly… But I know I’m not going to University.” Harry told them before pouring me some  milk out of a jar.

“Oh.” My dad said surprised. “Why aren’t you going to school?” My dad asked not pleased. Oh great.

“I had a hard time even graduating with high school I was so busy and I had to do it online and I didn’t really want to continue on with it. My career looks like it’s headed in the right direction and I don’t really want to mess with it.” Harry told them looking up from his meat cutting.

My parents both looked confused. William wasn’t even bothering joining just death staring his steak. “Care to explain?”

“Oh Sorry.” Harry said quickly swallowing it. “I have a musical career.” My dad groaned loud enough for Harry to hear. I gave him a displeased look. Great so much for a smooth dinner.

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