Chapter 12

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My dad shot sharp daggers towards Harry with his menacing eyes. “No you are not!” He shouted making me cringe away from him.

“Phil stop!” My mother urged.

“No! Harry I demand you to leave this house and never see Lauren again!” My father screeched. My heart sank I wanted to see Harry again. I hadn’t even told him that I loved him!

Harry stood up and looked my dad in the eyes. “No.” He said calmly.

“Yes!” My dad growled angrily. “Now leave!” He instructed.

“No! I’m going to date Lauren and I’m going to fight for her!” Harry shouted. “Because that’s what you do for the person you love!” Oh my god did I just hear that right? Harry loved me? Harry loved me. Oh my god!

This even caught my dad off guard as he was no completely silent. “Lauren if you’re going to date this boy I want you out of this house. You’re eighteen that’s old enough to go out on your own.” He told me.

I nodded. “Okay I’ll be gone by tomorrow morning.” I told him quite happy with myself. My dad now looked at me with anger but I stood up cleared my plate and went up to my room with Harry. He sat on my bed as I found both of my large suite cases.

“You’re really leaving for me?” Harry asked.

“You really love me?” I questioned.

“He nodded. Yes I most defiantly am in complete love with you Lauren.” He beamed.

“Well that’s good because I love you too.” I told him quietly. He smiled and brought me closer for a kiss. “Nope.” I told him. “I’m packing and you better help.” I laughed. He groaned but agreed. He took a case and went over to my closet and started folding the handing clothes and setting them into my case as if they were china dishes.  I grabbed the rest of my stuff and shoved it in the other case, and quickly rung Danielle.

“Hello?” She asked.

“Hey it’s Lauren. I’m coming to move in with you tonight.” I told her. “Sorry for the short notice but it just had to happen.” I laughed lightly.

“Well okay. Just bring clothes and other belongings that you want to bring. We already have a fully equipped bedroom for you.” She told me and I could tell she was smiling.

“Okay great. Thank you I’ll see you in a bit.” I told Danielle then hung up. I grabbed the rest of my stuff. There wasn’t too much cause I had gotten rid of most of it when I was organising my stuff before we moved here. There was a tentative knock on my door. I swung it open.

“Can I talk to you for a minute?” Mom asked. I nodded and let her in. “um alone?” She added. I sighed but then motioned for Harry to go into the hall. After he left my mom turned back to me. “Honey you don’t have to go.” She told me softly.

“Mom you know I wanted to move in with Danielle anyways and I won’t just stop seeing Harry…  I love him.” I admitted. She nodded sadly.

“Okay do you want any help then? This is between you Harry and your father but I want to be here for you. I want to help.” She smiled. I hugged her and re-opened the door so Harry could come back into the safety of my room. With the three of us we finished packing in another half an hour. Mom and Harry were already in the car waiting but I stalling looking around my room another time. I was going to miss it here whether I admit it or not. I then walked back down the stairs like I had done countless times before. Once I reached the bottom William came through the front door with such power he almost pushed me over.

“You’re moving?” He asked without even saying hello first. I nodded and he brought me into a bone crushing hug. It was weird I had never hugged him before we kind of just avoided that kind of thing. “I’ll miss you.” He whispered so quietly I almost missed it.

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