Who's Kids Are Those?

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welcome again! :D

Hope u liked the intro. Actually I like Short chapters, so most of it gonna be smaaalll

Plzzz forgive grammatical errors!


Previous Part:

And suddenly Nick Fury came in and smirked," Ready to see the future?"

Everyone was dumbfounded.

"Good Morning! Earth People", Thor entered happily. "eh! What did I miss? why's everyone looking so shocked?" 



"why u guys r so surprised? Huh? It's just the future! u guys r so idiots!" out of nowhere Loki arrived.

"Loki, What r u doing here?"asked Thor. "just came to visit u, my dear brother," smirked Loki. "Dont u think he's being too nice?" Clint wishpered to Natasha.

" Im always nice. And I'm here bcoz of Fury", Loki gave the 'wicked smiled?'

"Enough of ur talking.Where's Wanda and Vision?" said Fury. "Right here, boss" Said Wanda as she and Vision walked in.

"But first, Fury, explain what's going on." said Steve.

" okay. Loki came and proposed that we should our future" sighed Fury. "but why?" asked Bruce. "Not much. Just for fun, u know." smirked Loki. "I dont think it's safe", said Steve worriedly.

"for the first time, I'm gonna agree with cap!! seeing the future isn't that simple." said Tony. ( yea, Tony also didnt agree, can u believe it?)

"so.... u dont wanna know how's ur future?" said loki.

"I wanna.",said Natasha, along with Bucky and Clint.

"Fine, let's do it", sighed Steve.

And so Tony ordered JARVIS to open up the screen and Loki used a spell. ( yea, they see future through Loki's spell)


Let The Show Begin


It begins where they were, in the living room of the tower but way more designed and developed. And Suddenly a teenage boy shouted, "Sarah! Dont run here like that u'll get hurt!" "I wont get hurt, James. Jeez! stop worrying." Sarah, a child of merely 5 or 6,  kept running. " But first, u stop running", James catches Sarah and stopped her, but a vase fell off the table. "uh oh!" exclaimed Sarah.

"Ohmygod! u guys broke pops's vase again! he's gonna be so pissed off!!!" Hurried another teenager, a girl. "Dont u dare telling pops, Maria!" exclaimed James. "But u broke the vase.

"who broke the vase, Maria?" asked a teenager/young adult. "Oh! hey, Magni! jim (james) and Sarah broke it." said Maria smilingly.   " I didnt! he did!!!" James and Sarah pointed each other.

"Oh! I dont know who broke it. But Uncle St-



"what the-! Why did it stop?" shouted Tony annoyingly.

"oh, I forgot. the spell only works for only 15 minutes. I can re-use it after another 5 minutes", said Loki wickedly.

"ugh! what a pain!" exclaimed Tony.

"Did anyone notice how much that 'Magni Kid' resembled Thor?" asked Clint curiously.

" Yeah, he did. Blonde long hair , Blue eyes and muscles! Looks alike Thor", said Bucky. "Oh, cool! I've a son!!" Thor said happily.

" and those other kids looked familiar too" said Natasha. " what were their names?"

"James, Sarah and......Maria" said Bruce. "Isnt ur name James too, Bucky?" 

".....hm...yeah!" replied Bucky eyeing Steve. " And Steve, Sarah is ur mom's name."  "Yes, I noticed that too." said Steve like whispered.

" Dont tell me they r ur kids, Steve?, asked wanda.

" Yeah, they can be. His best friend's and mom's name? huh? Yeah! And james has his royal blue eyes and quite a muscle. And the little girl has also his eyes!" said Natasha. "Hey! Tony. wasnt ur mom's name Maria?"

".....Yea" " So that's my daughter!?!" exclaimed Tony.

"Her mom must be quite a beauty coz she looks nice", smirked Clint.

"Shaddup, Barton!" Tony glared at him.

" She kinda gave me 'Steve Vibe' as the other two kids did!" smirked Loki.

"what r u talking about?!" glared Tony.

"Okay, let's start again", Bucky interrupted Tony.

"sure, let's do." smirked Loki.



that's all for today :)

Love for Steve! <3

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