Marriage talk part 1

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Everyone was grinning at the the scene as future Tony n Steve was talking nonsense.

"See, Bucky! Told u everything is gonna be okay!", Tony grinned and kissed on Steve's forehead.

Steve smiled at him and held his hand tightly.

"Yeah, yeah. Just get on the scene", Bucky rolled his eyes, but Steve knew him better; Bucky was smiling at the scene.


" okay, okay! So when r u guys getting married?", asked Sam.


" we didn't really talk about when we should. Tony just proposed me and I said yes"

"Then talk", Bucky rolled his eyes (typical bucky)

" not now. Guys give them some privacy, they need to talk alone", Pepper said.

"Yeah, she's right. Let's go somewhere else, let them talk", Natasha agreed.

" wait...u guys stay here and eat. Tony and I both already eaten, so we r going to our room"

"Yeah, anyway, Steve is tired. He should rest on the bed", Tony stood from the table and helped Steve getting up.
" so....

"Wow, this is more awkward than we were when I was proposing to u"

Steve chuckled at the saying.

"Okay.Stevey, lie under the blanket. Come here", Tony was already under the blanket.

" wow, Tony, the Stark wants to cuddle. The media will have a heart attack if they see this", Steve joked.

"Haha, very funny", Tony rolled his eyes.

" just kidding", Steve smiled and snuggled Tony closer.

It was scene to watch. Tony was lying on this back, where the taller man's head was on his chest. The arc reactor had a smoothing sound which Steve really loved to listen. It was his favourite position to cuddle with Tony.

People can have heart attak that Tony Stark, a genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist and America's golden boy like to cuddle that much.

Steve was natural cuddler. Well, he always wasn't that big. He liked that moment when his mom used to cuddle him or Bucky would the whole day cuddling him (*ahem* don't ask detail). But it was different for Tony. No matter who many people he sleeps with, has sex he couldnt just cuddle them...say it trust issue but it was there. But with Steve, it was different. He felt like he could stay the rest of his life just like this.

"Tony....r we gonna talk? If we just lie down like this, I will slept in a minute"

"Oh, sorry. R u really tired? Then let's talk in the morning"

"NO!- I mean no. I really want to talk now. I- I -

" its okay. Let's talk "

"When do wanna get married? Now or after having the baby?" Tony asked a lil bit awkward .

"Definitely now. Im still that old fashion to marry before having child"

"Typical Steve", Tony chuckled.

" and I wanna get married like really soon. I don't wanna marry when my bum gets too big!!"

"Okay.....let's get married the next week!!", Tony exclaimed. To tell the truth, he wants to get married soon too, he waited almost 2-3 years, he doesn't want to wait anymore.

" wait....that's quick? "

"Yeah! Any problem?'

" no, of course not. I meant can do do the preparation that quick??"

"Don't worry about that I have excellent connection (and money) to make that happened. And we got our team too"

"Yeah, that's true", Steve yawned.

" okay, babe. Let's sleep now. We r gonna have a long talk in the morning "

" you"

"Love you too"




Paul Walker as my #oc.

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