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Ah...mood swing again.........



"At least, we can see different moods of Cap, all we see here is his straight face", Clint teased Steve.

Steve rolled his eyes which was just
Noticed by Nat n Bucky.

" Let's continue "



(Skip to  Steve's 3 months along)

It was at 3 at night, when Tony heard noises from the bathroom.
'Steve's morning sickness', Tony sighed.'why the hell its called morning sickness when he has it ALL Day Long.....'

Tony got up from bed n went to bathroom. Steve was vomiting horribly, so Tony started to rub his back.

After 5 minutes, his vomiting stopped."honey get up. Let's clean u up n go to bed"
Steve looked up to Tony n whispered, " back hurts"

"Its okay. Get up, I will message ur back", Tony tried to comfort him.

Steve got up with the help of Tony.
Steve now had a noticeable bum which was weird as just a month ago, there was none.

Steve went n sat at the bed. " Tony,
am I hungry......"
"Yes, sweetheart. I will get u something".
" wait! I want some burger with extra cheese n salad!"

"Burger at this hour? Honey, its not  healthy. I will get u something healthier"

"I want a Burger",Steve demanded.

" no, Bruce forbid u to eat junk food"

"Sorry, no"



"...... Burger......
.... I hate u Tony! U don't care about me....I hate u", Steve now started to cry.

"D-don't cry baby! I care about u, that's why I ain't letting u eat these"

"But but I m hungry n I want those......" Steve whined.

"Plz tony"

Steve was giving Tony his best puppy eyes.
'Damn...struck me with those eyes....again...', Tony murmured.

"U said something?" Steve raised his eyebrows.
"N-nothing. I will get ur burger"

"Yey! Thank u Tony. I love u", Steve gave a big kiss on his cheeks.

" I love u too", Tony kissed on his forehead n went to the kitchen.

After ten minutes, Tony came back with burger.

"Heres ur burger, bae"

"With extra cheese?"

"Yes, dear."

"And salad?"


"Extra meat???"


"I don't wanna eat these. I want some melon"


"I want some melon"

"You just asked for a burger!!!"

"I asked for burger Ten minutes ago! Now I want some melon!!!"

" BUT STEVE!!!!!!


Future Tells The Present ( A Stony Story )Where stories live. Discover now