Everything is....

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Tony, Bucky...relax. That situation was weird n out of control, so don't lose ur control. We all know my kids r gonna be okay and so will I," Steve tried to relax them, even though he was really uncomfortable.
"I'm going to my room for a while" and Steve left.

"Tony.go", Rodhey told him.

" huh? Where?"

"Idiot. Go talk to him. He is really uncomfortable", Pepper told him.

".... Okay"



"....hey, Steve? I can come in?"

"Tony?....oh, yes. Come in"

Both of them just stared at each other as it was really awkward.

"Tony, I-

" Steve, im-

"Okay, u talk first"

"No, u do"

"Its okay. U do"

"No, u- *sigh* okay....listen Steve, you know talking about dad is always a sore topic for me. But I'm sorry. I shouldn't react like that but...but-

" it's okay, I understand. If I was in ur position, I could to it so don't worry", Steve smiled and held his hand.

"So...we r good?"

"Of course. I'm not really expressive but I know I want to be with you. And as u heard I really don't know if I had sex with Howard. Probably didnt. So sorry for walking out from there. It was...getting uncomfortable"

"I understand", Tony smiled at leaned in for a kiss, he was in doubt for second that Steve won't kiss him.

But his doubt bursted into happiness when Steve returned the kiss with the same passion he wanted to.

" let's go out side before Bucky gets hyper ", Steve stood up n held out his hand.

" yes, please!"

When they came back, none said a word, understanding the situation.(well, Bucky, Thor n Loki wanted to, but Nat has threatened them to stab them with a knife)

"Sorry, guys for disappearing like that. Let's start?"

Loki started the  scene again.

(I'm gonna skip a part where Steve become conscious because its literally the same talk that Tony n Steve had in the present)


It was dinner time and Steve was allowed to eat with everyone so there was big dinner going on.

Steve and Tony smiled and kissed so much that Bucky gagged on the scene like a ten year old seeing his parents kissing.

"So when u guys r going married?", Wanda asked.

" that's......", Steve paused for a minutes.

"He asked u to marry, right? Didn't he?", Loki asked dangerously, glaring at Tony. (U can already sense Bucky n Nat. Possibly Wanda)

" hey! Don't glare at me like that! I did"

"Relax guys. He did! It just we didn't talk about when and how"

"I don't see any ring. U r doing to save Tony, aren't u?" This time Sam glared.(Team Cap protective of Steve xD)

"...oh yeah! Where's my ring!?" Steve searched everywhere.

"Oh, yes. Its with me! It accidentally fell on the floor while I was examine u. I forgot to return it. Here", Bruce handed Steve his ring.

" thanks, Bruce"

"SEE! theres the ring. I did propose. And it was on his finger for months how come u didn't see!" Tony exclaimed.

"Let's say there was some important thing to focus on! Punk getting pregnant, morning sickness, his bitching mood swing had drawn me crazy", Bucky pointed out.

" hey! It isn't that bad! Jerk!", Steve pouted.

"IT IS", everyone agreed.

" jerks", Steve pouted more.

Everyone laughed.

"Aww...Steve do u know how much cute u look when u pout", Tony patted on his head.

" hey! I'm not a baby!"

"But u carry my baby"

"That doesnt mean u pat on my head. U r spoiling my hair!!"

Everyone laughed even more.

"Really? That's all u care about? Ur hair getting spoiled?" Loki rolled his eyes.

Future Tells The Present ( A Stony Story )Where stories live. Discover now