Steve, the new....'M'?

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Hiii!!! I returned :3

well, u can see the title and it says all.


Previous Part:

Tony and Steve sat down together. "okay, Loki. Can u show us how come we have kids?? I mean they dont looked like adopted.

"sure, I can try", said Loki.




So, Loki tried look in the future, but like 17 years ago ( becoz Jim n Maria r 16 now, so 17 years ago) 

.....and he succeed.


Future: ( in future, but it will be before Jim and Maria were born)

It was early in the morning, two figures: Tony n Steve were sleeping peacefully embracing each other in bed. Steve had his arms around Tony's neck and Tony wrapped his hands around his waist keeping him closer.

It was a nice scene (or to a Fujoshi- hot scene).

Suddenly the alarm clock buzzed. "mm..Tony, let me go. I've to get up now", Steve tried to free himself from Tony's snuggle. " Just sleep more five minutes Stevee", Tony cuddled him more to his arms.

"no, Tony. I promised Sam that I'll run with him", Steve protested. "Okay", Tony sighed. And when Steve was about to get up, Tony pulled him into the bed and put beneath him, "then what about a 'Good Morning Makeout', huh?" 

"Was last night not enough for u?" smiled Steve at Tony.

"Oh, u r never enough for me. The more I get u, the more I want u", Tony teased him kissing on his neck and shoulder.

"okay.....Just for five minutes."

"oh, aye aye captain", Tony smirked and 'dig' into him. Tony pressed his lips on Steve's lips and they-



"Loki ,shut down the scene now!" Steve ordered, trying to hide his blush.

"but this is where the fun starts" Loki said smirkingly. Steve glared at him.

"Wow! that was actually hot!" Wanda squealed with delight. Natasha agreed with her,"yeah, I wonder what happens next" she smirked. Steve stared at her.

"eww!!!!! I can't believe that I just saw Tony n Cap making out" Clint covered his eyes dramatically . Sam and Rhodey nodded too.

And Tony....he looked like a red tomato. He thought,'WOW! THAT WAS HAWT!!! no! no! Tony. Making out with Steve isn't hot.....or is it?'

"okay, I'm gonna see what happens next"


"look, Steve. I cant skip when I'm using a spell"

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