Got Depressed AND proposed

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Hey, guys. Have u seen the OSCARS????

did u guys see CHRIS EVANS!!? he was such a sweetheart!!!

my heartbeat was fast when he helped REGINA KING n his reaction when BLACK PANTHER got Awarded <3 n HE was with JLO!!!!!!! he's so adorable!!!!

I giggled everytime I saw him!!!


Previous Part:

"I'm not a idiot! He is. I mean he can't be pregnant!!!" Tony tried to protest.

Bruce was silent on his comment.

Tony looked at his face.




"oh god! What the hell did I do?" Tony regreted his saying now.




"WHAT THE FUCK U MADE STEVE CRY?" Bucky went up from his sit and held Tony's throat.

"I-I d-"

Everyone else was angry too, but Loki tried to help Tony," James, Leave him. We all saw that he accepted the kids in the future. that's mean everything sorts out"

hearing this, Bucky n everyone else calmed down.



Tony walked to Steve's room, everyone behind him.

"YOU ARE THE REASON STEVE IS CRYIN'!!!!!" Bucky grabbed his throat in the future too. (Present: " u deserve it", Bucky threatened Tony)

"I'm sorry. Let me go please. It was a misunderstanding. Please", Tony requested him knowing he's very protective of Steve.

"Bucky, Let him go", Nat told him too.

Bucky let him go, even though he didn't to. He wanted to strangle him to death.

Tony entered the room. "Steve?"

He couldn't see Steve, coz it was dark. but he could hear noises of someone crying. He see Steve was sitting in a corner wrapped a blanket around him.

Tony walked up to him. Tony hugged him from behind, "I'm sorry, babe. Plz...Stevie. Turn to me"

Steve didn't answer to him. He kept crying. Tony tried to make him turn to his side.

"babe. I'm really.... really sorry-

-I mean I got mad coz it was about having kids. What I knew is man can't get pregnant. It means a lot to me to have kids. I always liked the thought of having children. u know, to be a great father! Not being like my father n giving them what I couldn't get. I knew we couldn't have kids coz we both r men. I even thought when I finally have the courage of proposing to  u n get married as soon as possible. And then We can adopt kids"

Hearing this Steve looked at him, Steve was a mess. His eyes were red, face was red, tears falling from his eyes.Tony never saw him like this.He cursed himself for getting mad at Steve. "u-u really meant that about having kids?" Steve looked at him with hopeful along with scared blue eyes.

"hm", Tony smiled at him, taking him closer to his embrace. He kissed on Steve's forehead.

"Not lying just so I'm depressed?"


"Not bcoz others threatened u?"


"Promise that u r saying that truth"

"I promise"

Steve smiled and hugged him tightly.

They kept sitting there hugging each other for a long time.

"wait! Did u just say that u wanna propose to me as soon as possible and get married??????????" Steve looked at him surprised.




"Y-Yeah!" Tony was blushing now.

"So, Steve Grant Rogers, will u ma----



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