Is It Yes?

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let me just start the story:


Previous Part:

"wait! Did u just say that u wanna propose to me as soon as possible and get married??????????" Steve looked at him surprised.




"Y-Yeah!" Tony was blushing now.

"So, Steve Grant Rogers, will u ma----




---,will u marry me?" Tony sat on his knee n took the Ring from his pocket which he had with hm for almost one year, held before Steve.





"y-you r not just doing this just becoz u yelled at me, r u???" Steve started to panic.

"no no. I'm proposing u for real"

"not becoz u got me pregnant? if thats the rea-" 

"Steve! Relax!!! I'm doing this from bottom of my heart. which I should've done earlier, what I wanted to do from one year ago!!!"

"b-but I-"

"No buts....I know! I doing this all of a sudden! But believe me I really love u" Tony tried to relax him.

"so Steve Rogers, will u give me the oppertunity to be ur lawfully wedded husband n have u for the rest of our life as mine?

".....yes", Steve whispered.

"what? can't hear u?" Tony said playfully.

"YES!! YES!! YES!!! I'LL MARRY U!!!" Steve smiled and jumped into his arms.

Tony took him into his arms. "now....get up from me. my knees r starting to hurt"


"Its okay" Tony got up n put the ring on Steve's finger. "Its looks beautiful on u"

"Tony.....r u sure......?"

"I've never been this much sure, kitten!!" Tony kissed him on his forehead.

Steve giggled at him." I'm not a kitten!!!"

"then what r u? Mama Cat? Oh, yea! you r one n this is my kitten" Tony put his hand on Steve's belly.

Steve smiled.

"I love u a lot"

"me too" "now lets go n meet others. And tell everyone I didn't do anything wrong, specially to Bucky!!!"

"Okay, lets go", Steve took his hand n went out.



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