The journey Begins

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I was busy stu[dying]

so couldn't update.

but im here!!!!




Previous Part:

Steve giggled at him." I'm not a kitten!!!"

"then what r u? Mama Cat? Oh, yea! you r one n this is my kitten" Tony put his hand on Steve's belly.

Steve smiled.

"I love u a lot"

"me too" "now lets go n meet others. And tell everyone I didn't do anything wrong, specially to Bucky!!!"

"Okay, lets go", Steve took his hand n went out.



Everyone was eagerly waiting for Steve to come out especially Bucky, Nat, Sam.....( Literally Everyone)




"Steve!! r u alright!!???" Bucky jumped from his seat as soon as he saw Steve coming towards them.

"Yes, I'm fine", Steve smiled at him. Bucky quickly went to him n hugged him tightly. "what happend!!?"

Everyone also gathered around him.

"okay, let him sit on the couch n relax first" Nat went to him.

....."Bucky...let him go" Bucky still hugged him n didn't wanna let him go. "Bucky....I'm alright. lets sit there n I'll tell u everything". Steve assured him.

Everyone sat at the couch.

Nat gave Steve some water. Bucky was glaring at Tony as if he's gonna attack right way.Steve noticed it." Bucky relax! We sorted it out"

"Oh, yea!? so what happened? tell me everything!!!"

"I'm pregnant"

"and I'm not 104 years old! tell me the truth, Steve!!"

"tHAts's the truth! Bucky!!!" "I'm PREGNANT!!!!!"




"WHAT???" everyone was shocked except Nat, Clint, Bruce, Thor since they already heard when Bruce talked (threatened) to Tony.

"BUT HOW'S THAT POSSIBLE!!! U R A GUY!!!!!" Sam literally choked.

"I...dont know how. but I'm! I'm lying. Talk to Bruce, he's the who confirmed it"

Everyone looked at Bruce. "..... don't know too. just know that he's pregnant" 

"why were u crying like that? Did Tony not accept his child?? Huh?" Bucky got up from his sit n grabbed Tony's collar. "Wait---! Let- ME go! Steve tell him!!!

"BUCKY!!! Let him go. its not his fault that he was crying....well, it was. but he didn't knew, he thought i was messing with him. when he saw the truth, he said sorry to me"

Hearing this, Bucky let him go. "then good"

"anyway, Steve. congratulation!!" Nat got up n hugged him. "to u too , Tony"

"thank u" "thanks"

Bucky sighed. "yea! Stevie! congratulation!!!" Bucky gave him a tight hug!!

"thanks, Buck!!"

everyone congratulated the to-be parents too.

"congo! Steve!!! Am I gonna be the God-father right???" Sam hugged him.

"wait!! What makes u think that u r gonna be the god-father? huh? I'm gonna be the one!!!" Bucky protested. 

"No way! I'm gonna be the god-father!!!" Rhodey said out loud.

"what!? NO!! I'm!!!" Clint n Thor argued too.

" I don't care who's gonna be the god-father! But I'm gonna be God-mother for sure!!!!" Natasha declared.

"Don't u decide! Steve, I'm gonna be the god-mother right???" Wanda said to Steve.

Everyone kept arguing...




"there's gonna be a lot of work to choose God-father n God-mother!" Steve said to Tony.

"yeah!" Tony smiled at him. " I don't know who's gonna be the one! but I'm pretty sure our kids r gonna be so lucky to have so many uncles n aunts!!" Tony kissed him on forehead.

"So true" Steve held him closely.

"Hey! Fury!!! u can be the "grandfather!!!" Tony called out to Fury.

"shut up, u motherfu**ker"

"hey! stop swearing around my kids!! Steve say something!!" Tony dramatically put his hand on Steve's belly.

" you know They can't hear u guys" Steve giggled at them. 

"so what? they can feel" Tony pouted.




Everyone laughed at the scene.



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