Episode 4

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Raven pov

I was riding on Diane's shoulder as she ran through a close by village searching for a doctor for my poor little brother. Unfortunately she was scaring the human villagers wich wasn't really helping our cause.

"General Raven and lady Diane why don't You just let me find a doctor to treat Sir Meliodas?" Elizabeth asked us while both me and Diane didn't really trust her yet Meliodas does.

Even if she's partially the reason my brother got cursed I guess I can throw her a bone. "Diane let her find a doctor." "Are you shore Raven?" Diane asked me. I only sighed and nodded my head.

(Time skip)

So there's bugs attacking the village and Diane is freaking out. So she uses her magic to crush all the bugs.

"Alright Diane lets go get the fox." I said to Diane. "Right." Me and Diane turned to leave but then the princess wanted to come. "No you stay here and watch over Meliodas. We'll get Ban." Diane told the princess which kinda surprised me. Depending on the fact that she doesn't really like Elizabeth.

"Come on Diane lets go." Was all I said when I began hopping from building to building then tree to tree making my way to Baste dungeon to free Ban.

(Time skip)

3rd pov

Meliodas Elizabeth and Hawk were making their way to Baste prison when they saw both Raven and Diane just standing there. Their eyes having a dead look to them.

"Hey Diane Raven you guys okay?" Meliodas asked them. They quickly snapped out of it then looked at Meliodas. "We're fine." Raven said. "Wait I thought you two were going to go free Ban. " Meliodas said to the two who commented on their being a holy knight they were about to fight who suddenly disappeared.

Then there was the sound of a Bell and Raven and Diane began to attack Meliodas. "What did you do with the captain?!" Diane yelled as she tried to step on a confused Meliodas. Raven looked at both Diane and Meliodas with a glare.

"What the hell did you do with my little brother?!" Raven said still looking at them. "Huh there's two of him? Well that just means I'll have to work extra hard to get rid of this holy knight." Diane said while looking back and forth between Meliodas and Raven.

"What are you two on about? Raven Diane snape out of it!" Meliodas said to them only to be shut up when Raven punched him in the face destroying a quarter of the forest they were in. Raven was then sent up in the air when Diane made the ground below him go flying in the air. She then tried to grabe him but Raven smacked her hand away and then punched her in the abdomen causing her to spit up blood and fall to the ground.

Meliodas came back over to them his shirt tore up and tried to restrain Raven who was beginning to throw another punch at him only for the Bell to be heard again then suddenly both Raven and Diane saw Meliodas.

"Mel when did you get here?" Raven asked. "Captain did you see those two holy knights?" Diane also asked slowly getting up off the ground clutching her stomach.

This grabbed Raven's attention but before he could comment on it both Meliodas and Diane "disappeared" and the two holy knights appeared in their place. "Something's not right here." Raven said to himself.

Then in a flash the smaller of the two holy knights tried to punch Raven who decided to just dodge it. It was then when Diane attacked both of them. This immediately got Raven's attention. Something was going on they were being manipulated.

Then it was heard once again. That damn Bell. But this time insted of two holy knights Raven saw his comrades who seemed to be just as confused as he was.  While Meliodas went to go take care of the holy knight who manipulated them and Diane went to do the same for another one Raven went straight to the prison going to claim his prize.

                        (Time skip)

Raven walked through the halls of Baste prison. He was muttering to himself about what he'd do to Ban once he got his hands on him. Then he saw that blue gray hair he loved to run his hand through.

"Ban." Raven said emotionless. Ban turned around a little shocked and then gave Raven his signature smirk. "Hey Rav how's my favorite Uke been.~" Ban said to Raven with a smile.

Raven only stared at him with a small smile. "I missed you too you greedy baka." Raven responded as he jumped into Ban's arms with an actual smile. "Just like I told you long ago there ain't nothing I can't steal." Ban told the tiny demon as he held him close.

Ban then went flying through ten walls. Ban quickly healed and then looked at Raven. "Hey what was that for!?" Ban yelled to Raven. While Raven only blinked and said with a chibi Meliodas face "That's for allowing yourself to get caught."

"Okay I get it your upset about that whole thing. But on the bright side we can make up for all that time we lost tonight.~" Ban said to Raven as he groped his butt. This caused Raven's face to heat up a little. "Hopefully your as good in the bedroom as you used to be." Was all Raven said before he walked away. Ban following him.

(Time skip brought to you by Meliodas and Ban's bad ass handshake)

"Elizabeth meet Ban the fox sin of Greed." Meliodas said to Elizabeth who was currently laying in a bed. "It's nice to meet you sir Ban. Forgive me for not rising to greet you." Elizabeth said with a smile.

"Don't worry about it princess." Was all Ban said to her. Then Meliodas asked him where he got his close from. This gained the attention of Raven who said. "He stole it from some random guy on the street." Raven said with side ways glance towards Ban.

"Hey captain where's everyone else?" Ban asked. "Well we don't know where the others are but word on the street is that King's dead." Meliodas said to Ban seriously.

                 (Short time skip)

Raven was eating while sitting on Ban's lap with a smile. Then Raven saw it. The stars. One of the signs of Holy War. Raven frowned at this. He frowned even harder when Ban got up sat on Hawk and began ridding him all over the place. "Baka..... My Baka." Raven said to himself with a smile.

Me: Hey so I finally wrote episode four. As y'all can see Raven has some pretty strong feelings for Ban. I can't wait to see what happens next!

Reader: Aren't you the author?

Me: The fucks an author?

To be continued~

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