Episode 10: Copy Cat part 1

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3rd pov

"Hey Fraudrin, by any chance is that a human body?" Malascula questioned the demon possessing Dreyfus.

"Indeed, using it has been quite easy." Fraudrin responded to the commandment of faith.

"How is it we were the only ones to escape?" Gloxinia, the commandment of repose, asked his fellow commandment.

"I didn't have enough blood from the apostle of the goddess' to break the seal on the rest of our fellow clansmen. My apologies." Fraudrin informed the former fairy King.

"Bottom line, there's not much there." Derieri, the commandment of purity, commented.

"In other words, you're saying that the presence of the fairy, giant, Goddess and elven races are barely even detectable?" Monspeet, the commandment of reticence, asked Fraudrin, a little confused about this fact.

"It seems that at the end the 2nd war 2,000 years ago they lost the majority of their power sealing the Omens away. Does that sound about right Fraudrin?" Satanas, fourth prince of the demon clan, smirked.

"That would be correct my prince. It is the humans who essentially rule Britannia now." Fraudrin responded.

"My goodness, so the most short lived, fragile and useless of the five races are in control?" Malascula commented. It was then when Galand, the commandment of truth, turned his attention to Fraudrin.

"Hey Fraudrin, you were the only one to escape being sealed, right? What have you been doing all these years?" Fraudrin sighed, having been asked yet another question, before answering.

"I had a lot of things to sort out. I've only been self aware 10 years. And there was this troublesome group, called the eight deadly sins, who kept getting in my way." Fraudrin finished.

"Meliodas and Raven, right?" Zeldris, the commandment of piety, questioned already knowing the answer.

"Bottom line is I'm tired, I've gotta recharge." Derieri complained.

"You're correct purity. It seems the lasting effects of the Goddess clan's seal has left us in a vulnerable state. Change of plans, your first priority is to get some rest, leave searching for the omens of discord to me." Oscura, the demon lord and brother of the Demon King, ordered the commandments.

"But uncle, you're power is not as strong as it used to be, please get some rest as well." Zeldris immediately objected. Oscura nodded towards Zeldris.

"You're right, my spirit is barely manageable in this realm as it is. I will need more time before I break the seal holding the Omens. I'll send two albions to search instead. Come, let us take our leave." Oscura told the commandments before they all blasted off, making their way to Edinburgh hill.

(Scene Change)

"I'm leaving." Raven spoke aloud gazing directly into Meliodas' eyes. The short blonde gazed back trying to figure out why.

"Again? But you just got back!" Meliodas questioned Raven starting to get upset. "Are you chasing after Ban? Cause if so we can do that together-"

"I'm done with that former human. He left me and that's that. But this is something far more important that needs my attention. And under no circumstances whatsoever are you to come after me, understand?" Raven asked Meliodas.

It was then when Meliodas began to puff up his cheeks and glare at Raven. This was a face that only Raven ever got to see. Raven sighed.

"$#*$%." Raven told Meliodas in his divine tongue. Meliodas' eyes widened at this, he had no choice. He has to let his big brother go.

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